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Surname, First Name, Birthdate, Deathdate, Other (Links, etc.)



ABER, Annie L. Kramer, 1881-1948, wife, buried with Alex Kramer

ABITZ, Frank, 1873-1906, buried on Ellermann lot

ACKERMANN, Friedrich, died Feb 5, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

ADAM, Bertha C., June 7, 1898-Mar 2, 1899

ADAM, Edna D., 1901-1978, our bee bee

ADAM, Herman H., 1862-1936

ADAM, Herman W., 1897-1953, my dutch

ADAM, Mollie L., 1863-1941

AFFOLTER (J.) FAMILY, marker only

AHLERS, William, 1853-1906, husband

AHLERS, Margaret C., 1853-1927, wife

AHNER, John, no dates recorded

AHNER, Martin, no dates recorded

ALDENDORF, Charles J., 1867-1905

ALDENDORF, Emma M., 1868-1927, mother

ALDENDORF, William H., 1865-1941, father

ALLES, Elizabeth, 1825-1905, mother

ALLES, Henry 1822-1896, father

ALSON, Annie, June 28, 1866-Sep 14, 1899, nee Meyer (d/o Christ. and Anna)

ANDERSON, Margaret B., Apr 17, 1903-Sep 18, 1984, buried 257-B5

ANDERSON, William, Oct 27, 1895-Mar 14, 1981, buried 257-B4

ARCHICK, Dolores, 1933-1940, grandchild

ARCHICK, Emma, 1907-1976, wife

ARCHICK, Raymond, 1927-1930, grandchild

ARENDT, Edward R., 1867-1938, husband

ARENDT, Ella, 1858-1938, wife

ARENDT, Ida, 1870-1939, aunt, name on Koglin stone

ARING, Anna Regina, 1841-1919, mother

ARING, Clara M., died Sep 30, 1912, daughter

ARING, Henry Ernest, June 28, 1832-Mar 15, 1900, father

ARNHOLD, marker only

ASCHE, Luise, died Sep 29, 1859, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

ASH, Rossell A., Sep 29, 1890-May 14, 1958, Massachusetts, Sgt 301 MTR TRK Co MTC World War I

ATKINSON, Frank V., 1869-1930

ATKINSON, Minnie, 1872-19__

AUBKE, A.M., gest Marz 14, 1879 im alter von 75 yahren, geb. Leker

AUBKE, Anna W.H., Marz 30, 1894-Aug 12, 1894, enkelchen

AUBKE, Gerhard W., Juli 30, 1864-Sep 20, 1880

AUBKE, J.E.H., 1836-1905, vater

AUBKE, Karoline W., Apr 21, 1867-Sep 1, 1867, enkelchen

AUBKE, Lui. H., Sep 7, 1858-Nov 1, 1862

AUBKE, M.L., gest Mai 9, 1867 im alter von 34 yahren, geb. Horman

AUBKE, W.F.L., 1833-1917, mutter

AUDAY, Christ, 1842-1913, brother

AUDY, Catherine Rau, 1808-1876, buried on RAU lot

AUFDERHEIDE, Anna Maria, Nov 2, 1856-Oct 9, 1907

AUFDERHEIDE, Catherine Caroline, Nov 4, 1863-May 20, 1916, sister

AUFDERHEIDE, Catherine Regina, Sep 28, 1858-May 9, 1940, sister

AUFDERHEIDE, Charley H., 1861-1876, son

AUFDERHEIDE, Elisabeth K., Mar 22, 1849-Feb 5, 1852

AUFDERHEIDE, Emma R., 1867-1921, daughter

AUFDERHEIDE, H. W., 1786-1849

AUFDERHEIDE, Henry R., 1832-1887, father

AUFDERHEIDE, Herman H., 1793-1875, grandfather

AUFDERHEIDE, Herman W., 1875-1904, son

AUFDERHEIDE, Hermann H., 1829-1850

AUFDERHEIDE, J. Heinrich, Oct 30, 1824-July 1, 1865, father

AUFDERHEIDE, J. Rudolph, 1827-1855

AUFDERHEIDE, Johanna Ruhe, 1837-1909, mother

AUFDERHEIDE, K. Elizabeth, 1787-1850

AUFDERHEIDE, Margaretha, Dec 9, 1804-Nov 18, 1887, name on SCHERMANN monument AUFDERHEIDE, Rudolph, Nov 10, 1790-Jan 16, 1872, name on SCHERMANN monument

AUFDERHEIDE, Sophia Margaretha, July 26, 1861-Nov 24, 1924, sister

AUFDERHEIDE, Wilhelm R., Nov 3, 1854-July 2, 1856

AUFDERHEIDE, Wilhelmine K., Oct 26, 1851-Sep 7, 1854

AUFHAMMER, Johann G., 10/31/1810-Jan 8, 1872, father, Der herr ist mein hirte, mir wird nichts mangeln, PS 231

AUFHAMMER, Marie M., July 2, 1815-Apr 2, 1887, mother, Christus, der ist mein leben, sterben ist mein gewinn

AUPKE, Harry F., Feb 18, 1884-July 21, 1952, brother

AUPKE, Lillian W., Sep 13, 1886-Sep 9, 1962, sister


BACKHAUS, Edward, no dates recorded

BAHNEMANN, marker only

BAHR, Floyd S., 1906-1963, husband

BAHR, Georgetta C., 1908-1999, wife

BALLARD, Johanah Alles, 1855-1902, mother

BALZ, Barbara, 1835-1873, mother

BALZ, Christopher, 1833-1891, father

BALZ, Edward C., 1868-1948, son

BALZ, Robert H., 1871-1947, son

BANKS, Anna H., 1918-1925, daughter

BANKS, Bertha O., June 18, 1879-Jan 20, 1957, mother

BANKS, George J., 1920-1925, son

BANKS, Gustave, Nov 15, 1878-June 16, 1940, father

BANKS, Helen, July 29, 1895-Nov 5, 1965, mother

BANKS, Julius, Sep 27, 1890-May 31, 1971, father

BANKS, Oscar J., Sep 16, 1914-Dec 5, 1982, RD1 US Navy World War II

BARRIS, Edwin W., 1904-1978 BARRIS, Myrtle M., no dates

BARTLING-LONG, marker only

BASSELMAN, William F., no dates recorded, name on Valentine Kinzler stone

BAUMANN, Marie, 1817-1898 BECK, Augusta, 1857-1899, mother, same stone as John George

BECK, Charles R., 1889-1950, father

BECK, Willa C., 1886-1967, mother

BEEBOUT, C. Fred, 1888-1918

BEEBOUT, J. Raymond, 1906-1935, husband

BEERMAN, C. Fred, 1877-1965, husband

BEERMANN, Bernhardina, 1837-1927, mother

BEERMANN, Frederick C.K., 1836-1898, father

BEERMANN, Jeannette L., 1884-1957, wife

BEERMANN, Julia C., 1875-1884

BEHNAMAN, Amelia, no dates recorded

BEHNAMAN, Clara, no dates recorded

BEHNAMAN, Elizabeth, no dates recorded

BEHNAMAN, monument only

BEHNAMAN, Rocena, no dates recorded

BEHNAMAN, Wilhelmina, no dates recorded

BELTZ, Agatha, Nov 27, 1823-Dec 2, 1895, mother

BELTZ, Anton, June 14, 1916-Oct 13, 1968, father

BENDER, Anna B., 1829-1910, mother

BENDER, John B., 1832-1916, father

BENTZ, Frederick W., 1839-1903, father

BENTZ, Gustave H., 1869-1956, father

BENTZ, Louise F., 1879-1919

BENTZ, Sophia, 1837-1915, mother, wife of Frederick

BENZENHOEFFER, Edward C., 1905-1999, husband

BENZENHOEFFER, Pearl M., no dates

BERGER, Emma, no dates recorded

BERGER, Maximillian, died Dez 13, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records) BERGMAN, marker only

BERGMANN, Margrethe N., Sep 23, 1832-Aug 1, 1881, ehefrau von H.F. Bergmann

BERNAUER, Edward U., May 19, 1917-Sep 24, 1995, CWO US Army World War II

BERNAUER, Helen A., Oct 25, 1917-Dec 3, 1997, beloved wife

BEYER, Caroline A., 1853-1926

BEYER, Charles F., 1883-1885

BEYER, Dorothea, 1819-1881

BEYER, Johanna, no dates recorded

BEYER, John Paul, no dates recorded

BEYER, Paul E., 1881-1887

BIELAU, Barbara Sturm, 1856-1928

BIELAU, Edward, 1859-1924

BINDER, Anna, 1874-1932, mother

BINDER, Fred, no dates recorded

BINDER, John, 1872-1928, father

BINDER, Margaret, no dates recorded

BINGLER, Anna M., Jan 31, 1859-Feb 9, 1859

BINGLER, Baby, no dates recorded

BINGLER, Catherine Louise, Nov 17, 1831-Mar 31, 1898

BINGLER, Clara A., May 2, 1867-Oct 5, 1871

BINGLER, Herman H., 1837-1917, father

BINGLER, J.H. FAMILY, marker only

BINGLER, Johanna Caroline, 1871-1957, daughter (of Mary and Herman)

BINGLER, John R., Dec 18, 1828-Oct 17, 1875

BINGLER, Mabel L. Ammons, 1865-1946, wife of William Frank

BINGLER, Margaret Marie, 1871-1949, daughter (of Mary and Herman)

BINGLER, Mary S., 1839-1921, mother

BINGLER, William Frank, 1863-1933

BIPPUS, Marg., 9/2/'08, (unmarked), moved in 1972, lot-119-B-5 or 120-A-1-thru-5, (Source: Dick Smith,

BISCHOFF, William W., 1862-1914, Firemen's Memorial

BLEICHER, Gertrude C., June 9, 1813-Feb 22, 1897, grandmother

BLEICHER, John W., July 31, 1824-Sep 10, 1896, grandfather

BLOOM, Thelma C., 1922-1972, same stone as Freda Mancini and Wanda Speiser

BLUM, Carl, 1898-1941, name on Lange-Kirschbaum marker

BLUM, Tillie, 1878-1955, name on Lange-Kirschbaum marker

BLUMENSCHEIN, Anna D., 1865-1942

BLUMENSCHEIN, Anna K., 1901-___, wife

BLUMENSCHEIN, Henry, 1862-1906

BLUMENSCHEIN, Herman, Aug 5, 1889-Oct 2, 1948, Co C 136th MG BN, enlisted Apr 26, 1918, discharged Aug 6, 1919

BLUMENSCHEIN, Walter G., 1891-1956, husband

BOCHMANN, marker only

BOEHMIG, Harry B., no dates recorded

BOEHMIG, Herman W., Jan 29, 1898-Feb 19, 1964, Pennsylvania S1 US Navy, World War I

BOGGESS, Argel G., Dec 5, 1905-Oct 24, 1982, father

BOGGESS, Edna A., Sep 5, 1904-Oct 29, 1991, mother

BOHNERT, Elizabeth, 1866-1922, mother

BOHNERT, Henry, 1859-1928, father

BOOSE, Anna M. Drosdadt, June 26, 1866-Sep 7, 1954, mother


BORGERDING, Amelia Maria, Feb 21, 1837-Juli 18, 1895, nach uberstand'nen schweren leiden bin ich versitzt in hohen freuden

BORGERDING, Anna M., no dates recorded

BORGERDING, Charles H., May 31, 1873-Apr 12, 1945

BORGERDING, Charles W., Dec 23, 1901-July 28, 1983

BORGERDING, Elisa K., no dates recorded

BORGERDING, H.R., 1834-1875

BORGERDING, Heinrich G., no dates recorded

BORGERDING, Heinrich R., 1829-1894

BORGERDING, Hermann R., 1834-1973

BORGERDING, Jean C., June 23, 1908-Sep 28, 1963

BORGERDING, John V., Sep 5, 1864-Oct 6, 1938

BORGERDING, Louisa, 1842-1926, wife of Heinrich

BORGERDING, Maria A., no dates recorded

BORGERDING, Nellie C.S., Oct 16, 1873-Jan 28, 1965

BORGERDING, Wilhelm H., Oct 5, 1836-Aug 11, 1904, Christus ist mein leben und sterben mein gewinn

BORGERDING, Wilhelm, no dates recorded

BORGERDING, William H., Mar 17, 1862-May 8, 1919

BOSZE, Mary, 1903-1922, beloved wive and mother

BRACKEMEYER, marker only, no individual names

BRAMER, Louise F., 1864-1910, mother

BRAMER, Phillip, 1857-1933, father

BRAMSCHER, Hermann H., Jan 21, 1858-Mar 23, 1920

BRAMSCHER, Ida W., Jan 15, 1897-Jan 16, 1897

BRAMSCHER, Louise E., June 15, 1890-Feb 18, 1923

BRAMSCHER, Marie J., Feb 17, 1859-Feb 22, 1923

BRANDT, Frederick, 1845-1923, father

BRANDT, Margaret, 1853-1927, mother

BRAUER, L., marker only

BREITUNG, August, no dates recorded

BRETTHOLLE, G.E.H., no dates recorded

BRIESZ, ?, died April 16, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

BRIESZ, Elisabeth, died Juli 26, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records) BRIGGEMEIER, Johann Heinrich, died Sep 21, 1859, 2 years 6 months, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

BRIGGEMEYER, Marie Elisa, died Nov 23, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

BRINKER, Amalie, 1849-1936, mother

BRINKER, Elizabeth J., 1874-1947, mother

BRINKER, Elizabeth S, 1886-1961, daughter (of G. L. Kauffmann)

BRINKER, Herman H., 1872-1938, father

BRINKER, John F., 1844-1912, father

BRINKER, Minnie C., 1879-1939

BRINKER, Rose C., 1885-1944

BRINKER, William H., 1888-1946, son

BRODA, Donald, 1930-1934

BRODA, Henry, June 14, 1899-June 10, 1967, Pennsylvania PVT US Army World War II

BRODA, Julia, 1876-1962

BRODA, Michael, 1874-1933

BRODA, Otto, 1901-1960

BROELMANN, Carrie, 1887-1905, daughter

BROELMANN, Sadie, 1861-1924, mother

BROELMANN, William, 1852-1896, father

BROOKS, Minnie A., 1880-1962, mother

BROOKS, Samuel J., 1877-1945, father

BROWN, Anna Fredericka Gertler, 1883-1965

BROWN, John Gibb, 1881-1967

BRUCKMAN, Gustave E., 1870-1968, father

BRUCKMAN, Marie K., 1872-1952, mother

BRUCKNER, Maria E., Mai 23, 1800-Jan 25, 1893, mutter

BRUGGEMANN, Herman Heinrich, Nov 22, 1820-Feb 3, 1893, unser vater, Herr, nun laessest du deinen diener in frieden fahren, wie du gesagt hast; denn meine augen haben deinen heiland gesehen. Luc 2,29,30

BRUGGEMANN, Maria Margrethe Niemann, gattin von Herman Heinrich Bruggemann,Maerz 26, 1816-Feb 3, 1890, unsere mutter, Ich habe einen guten kampf gekampfet ich habe den lauf vollendet, ich habe glauben gehahten. Hinfort ist mir beigelegt die krone der gerechtigkeit. BRUGGERMANN, Marie Elisa. G., died Sep 15, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

BRUGGERMANN, Rudolph, died Nov 3, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

BRUNN, marker only

BUCHNER, Caroline, 1852-1930, mother

BUCHNER, Charles C., 1879-1917

BUCHNER, Dora E., 1859-1936, mother

BUCHNER, Ed. W., 1882-1968

BUCHNER, Edward C., 1857-1936, father

BUCHNER, Friederick, Okt 1, 1888-Juni 28, 1890, ruhe sanft

BUCHNER, Gertrude, Mar 8, 1909-Nov 28, 1915

BUCHNER, John A., 1855-1926, father

BUCHOLTZ, Amel M., 1915-1995, father

BUCHOLTZ, Frances C., no dates, mother

BUCHOLTZ, Karl, 1877-1955, father

BUCKLEY, Margaret E., 1954-1980, wife and mother

BUDDEMEYER, Adellia A., 1874-1925, mother

BUDDEMEYER, C. Wilhelmina D., Jan 5, 1816-Aug 1, 1888, mother

BUDDEMEYER, Henry W., Jr., 1857-1935, father

BUDDEMEYER, William H., Aug 7, 1818-Nov 29, 1898, father

BUETZOW, Anna L. Graham, 1901-1926, daughter (of Albert and Anna Graham)

BUHRBRINK, Bernhard Heinrich, died Aug 9, 1841, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

BULTMANN, Catherina A., 1786-1869

BULTMANN, Herman H., Dec 22, 1850-Apr 27, 1868, brother

BULTMANN, John H., Mar 6, 1822-Feb 24, 1897, father

BULTMANN, Mary D., Jan 13, 1828-Aug 12, 1895, mother


CALDWELL, marker only

CANNON, Sarah Reuter, died Nov 22, 1952

CARLTON, Charles A., 1859-1924

CARR, Anna E, 1887-1903, daughter

CARR, Baby, no dates recorded

CARR, Elizabeth M., Detker, 1861-1931, mother

CARR, Lillian E., no dates recorded

CARR, Mollie, 1883-1966

CEDEL, Gustav E., 1886-1956, father

CEDEL, Pauline, 1889-1985, mother

CHRISTIAN ADAM, marker only

CHUBB, Henry H., 1888-1913, Angerona Lodge 289 IOOF

CLARK, Myrtle, 1918-1918

CLARK, Walter H., 1888-1918

CLAYPOOL, Ida B., 1871-1918, mother

CLAYPOOL, Myrtle, 1887-1940, wife of Peter J. Dawson

CLEVER, Anna M., 1864-1929, name on ROEHREN stone

COATES, Edna W., no dates recorded

COCAIN, Aurilla, 1874-1956

COCAIN, William, 1870-1954

COCHRAN, Ellen M., 1872-1954

COLE, Emilie A., 1880-1966, wife

COLE, Ernest M., 1886-1953, husband

COLWES, Clara, 1869-1874

CONRAD, Elizabeth, 1823-1900, mother

CONRAD, Max J., 1822-1884, father

CONRAD, Peter, 1848-1898, brother

COOK, Charles L., 1914-2000, my Charlie, WWII

COOK, Ellen M., no dates

COPE, Elsie M., Oct 25, 1909-Oct 9, 2000, wife

COPE, Samuel H., Sep 11, 1900-Nov 23, 1977, CPL US Army

CORFIELD, Gertrude P., No dates

CORFIELD, James R., 1908-1978

COSTELLO, Emma K., June 4, 1881-Feb 14, 1945, mother

COSTELLO, Helen E., Mar 13, 1920-Apr 14, 1988

COTTRILL, A. Burton, 1885-1956, father

COTTRILL, Chester C., 1915-1950, father

COTTRILL, Chester C., June 27, 1942-July 13, 2000

COTTRILL, Hannah E., 1917-1995, beloved mother

COTTRILL, Louisa Edith, 1883-1960, mother

COTTRILL, Patricia A., no dates

COTTRILL, Robert M., 1951-1995

COWELL, Mollie Adam, Nov 6, 1895-Dec 4, 1981, our mother

CRAIG, Juanita West, 1900-1931

CRAIG, Lyda S., Sep 20, 1878-Oct 25, 1911, sister, buried on FREDERICK SIEBERT lot

CRISWELL, Carrie B., 1893-1981, buried 47C GR 4

CRISWELL, William G., 1889-1970

CROMIE, Albert, June 23, 1887-Feb 13, 1958, PVT Co G 326th Inf, enlisted Sep 22, 1917, discharged June 10, 1919

CROMIE, Mary E., 1887-1978, mother

CUNNINGHAM, Louise B., Nov 9, 1852-July 10, 1944


DANHORN, Barbara, Aug 1, 1832-Oct 25, 1903, mother

DANHORN, Erhart, 1820-1891, father

DANNER, Anna Marie, 1843-1880

DANNER, Carolina, 1813-1888

DANNER, Carolina, 1850-1908

DANNER, Mathias, 1839-1913

DATUM, George, 1871-1927, father

DATUM, Henry H., Mar 21, 1902-Feb 28, 1981

DATUM, Marie E., 1868-1945, mother

DAVIS, Dorothy, no dates

DAVIS, Infant, Aug 1, 1947, same stone as Florence Klear

DAVIS, Milford R., 1914-1974, masonic symbol

DEARY, Alma, 1900-1917

DECKENBACH, Katherine, 1843-1922, same stone as EMRICH

DECKENBACH, Ernest, 1836-1893, same stone as EMRICH

DEELEY, Laura J., Oct 29, 1889-Oct 2, 1978

DENGEL, Arvonia Williams, 1891-1973, wife

DENGEL, Walter T.C., 1870-1956, husband

DETKER, Edward H., Oct 26, 1886-Apr 4, 1891

DETKER, J.H., Mar 15, 1855-Feb 18, 1897

DETKER, Juliana L., July 26, 1876-Aug 24, 1876

DETKER, K.E., Nov 30, 1854-Nov 27, 1912

DETKER, Laura E., Mar 7, 1879-Aug 14, 1883

DETKER, William H., Aug 19, 1880-Sep 27, 1881

DEUERLEIN, marker only

DICKERT, Elizabeth, 1873-1963, same stone as CHARLOTTE MEYER

DIEDERICH, (Diedrich) George Henry, 16 May 1868 /1943, age 74, (Source:

DIEDERICH, (Dietrich) Frank, Jan 1838 - Fritzlar, Hessen-Nassau, Germany / 22 Nov 1901 Pittsburgh age 64, (Source:

DIEDERICH, (Dietrich) Rachel Fredericka Brinkman, 1838 in Osnabruck, Prussia / 15 Jan 1883 Pittsburgh, 1st w/o Frank Sr., d/o John Phillip, (Source:

DIEDERICH, Baby, b. 1898, (Source:

DIEDERICH, Caroline M., 1834-1924, mother

DIEDERICH, Catherine, 1831-1908, mother

DIEDERICH, Christoph, 1825-1894, father

DIEDERICH, Frank J. Jr., 1870 / 1899 age 29, (Source:

DIEDERICH, Johann Heinrich, Oct 31, 1833-Apr 15, 1884

DIEDERICH, Mary Lingle, Dec 1849 / 22 April 1901, 2nd w/o Frank Sr., d/o Daniel & Sarah Lingle, (Source:

DIEDERICH, William, 1864-1906, brother

DIETERICH, Elise, died Dez 6, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records) DIETERICH, Johann Friedrich, died Mai 12, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

DILLON, Charles Richard, 1874-1954, father

DINGER, John, 1907-1929 DINKEL, Barbara, 1850-1927, mother

DINKEL, John F, 1848-1900, father

DINKEL, John H., 1882-1964

DITTIG, Bernhard, no dates recorded

DITTIG, Herman, no dates recorded

DITTIG, Lilly M., no dates recorded

DITTIG, Margaretta, no dates recorded

DITTLER, Elizabeth B., 1829-1891

DITTLER, J. Henry, 1819-1879

DITTMAR, Henry F., 1861-1925

DITTMAR, John Nick., 1830-1882, same stone as Henrietta SKILKA

DOELBOR, Catharine, 1834-1917, mother

DOELBOR, Jacob, 1829-1898, father

DOELBOR, Martin F., 1873-1907

DOELBOR, R. Magdalene, 1866-1871, daughter of J. and C. Doelbor

DOHLER, Johannes, died Aug 6, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records) DOLLMAN, Andrew C., 1868-1929

DORN, Johann, no dates recorded

DORN, Margaret, no dates recorded

DORN, Sebastian, no dates recorded

DORN, unknown, no dates recorded

DORNFELDT, Christian, no dates recorded

DORNFELDT, marker only

DOROW, Emma A., 1846-1930, mother

DOROW, Herman, 1887-1929, son

DOROW, J. Fredrick, 1846-1898, father

DOTT, Babetta, 1866-1960, mother

DOTT, Carl F., 1888-19__

DOTT, Elizabeth, 1892-1945

DOTT, Erhardt. 1867-1935, father

DOTY, Albert, no dates recorded, son (of Horace and K.E.)

DOTY, Clarence, no dates recorded, son (of Horace and K.E.)

DOTY, Horace S., 1855-1923

DOTY, K. Elizabeth, 1856-1920, wife of Horace

DUMONT, Archie, 1850-1925, father

DUMONT, Sophie, 1856-1933, mother

DUNTE?, Joh. Wilh., died Oct 1, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)


EBERLE, Catherine, died Oct 12, 1888, aged 74 years and 7 months

EBERLE, Charles F., 1842-1927

EBERLE, Charles Otto, 1874-1977

EBERLE, Jacob M., Nov 4, 1824-June 12, 1886

EBERLE, Julia E., 1870-1871

EBERLE, Kath. E., Jan 28, 1826-May 23 1910

EBERLE, Ludwig, died Nov 29, 1843, aged 28 years and 9 months

EBERLE, W. Amelia, 1847-1877

EBERLE, William F., 1877 EBERT FAMILY, marker only

EBERT, Irene E., died Dec 13, 1942, mother

EBERT, John L., Jr., Sep 24, 1887-June 21, 1948, PVT Co F 51st Inf 6th Div, enl. May 2, 1918, disc. June 18, 1919

EBERT, Marie M., 1850-1890, mother

EBERT, Rudolph, 1826-1891, father

EBKEN, John G., Jr., 1875-1961

ECK, Bertha, died Aug 12, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

ECKKERT, Heinrich, died Juli 31, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records) ECOFF, Dorothy Hull, 1900--1978

ECOFF, Harry J., 1899-1964

EDGAR, monument only

EDWARDS, Eva V. Carr, 1896-1923, wife of William C., buried on CARR lot

EDWARDS, Evelyn E., 1923-1929, buried on CARR lot

EHMANN, Clara Dorothea, July 2, 1876-July 10, 1954

EHMANN, Eda Katharina, Apr 24, 1883-July 7, 1885

EHMANN, Elmer G., June 13, 1884-Mar 22, 1949, masonic symbol

EHMANN, Frank Eduard, Aug 1, 1879-Jan 27, 1936, masonic symbol

EHMANN, John George, May 20, 1849-Jan 29, 1908, masonic symbol

EHMANN, John William, Dec 24, 1874-Jan 6, 1925, masonic symbol

EHMANN, Karl Ludwig, Dec 23, 1877-Aug 7, 1885

EHMANN, Katharina Leucht, July 6, 1855-Mar 21, 1893

EHRLINGER, Carl H., 1892-1959

EHRLINGER, George F., Aug 9, 1901-May 20, 1952

EHRLINGER, Marie D., 1895-1944

EIBEL-LAMMERT, Annie Marie, 1876-1958

EIBEL-LAMMERT, John Elmer, 1895-1971

EISENGART, Norman, no dates, courtesy of Mt. Royal Cemetery

EISENHAUER, Anna, 1877-1912

EISENHAUER, Edward, 1876-1920

EISENHAUER, Elizabeth, 1849-1933, mother

EISENHAUER, Elizabeth, 1879-1914

EISENHAUER, Harry, 1884-1940

EISENHAUER, William, 1873-1915

ELLERMANN, Alvine L., Jan 28, 1911-Oct 27, 1915

ELLERMANN, Amalia J., 1841-1911

ELLERMANN, Amanda A., June 26, 1906-Nov 28, 1913

ELLERMANN, Anna M., 1874-1902

ELLERMANN, Eliza M., 1879-1955, mother

ELLERMANN, Emilie J., 1881-1946

ELLERMANN, Heinrich J., 1839-1894

ELLERMANN, Henry G., 1877-1936, father

ELLERMANN, Herman F., 1872-1904

ELLERMANN, Herminie C., Apr 28, 1908-June 30, 1987

ELLERMANN, Louise C., 1868-1956

ELLERMANN, William H.,, 1874-1945

EMMEL, Elva, 1903-1912

EMMEL, Emma, 1907-1912

EMMEL, John, 1845-1906, father

EMMEL, John, 1875-1962

EMMEL, Katharina, 1853-1934, mother

EMMEL, Theresa, 1878-1921, wife

EMRICH, Amelia, 1865-___, same stone as DECKENBACH

EMRICH, Charles, 1859-1904, same stone as DECKENBACH

EMRICH, William F., 1887-1896, same stone as DECKENBACH

ENGEL, Anna, 1853-1932, mother

ENGEL, Christina, no dates recorded

ENGEL, Maria, no dates recorded

ENGEL, Michael, 1851-1936, father

ENGELBERT, Elizabeth, no dates recorded

ENGELBRECHT, Christiana, no dates recorded

ENGELBRECHT, Conrad, no dates recorded

ENGELBRECHT, Dorothea, died Juni 7, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records) ENGELBRECHT, Henry, no dates recorded ENGELBRECHT, John, no dates recorded

ERLINGER, Elizabeth, 1850-1918, mother

ERLINGER, Michael, 1845-1905, father

ERMSHAUSEN, Sarah N., 1851-1936, mother

ERMSHAUSEN, William H., 1848-1922, father

ERMSHAUSEN, William, no dates recorded, baby

ERTEL, Caroline, 1861-1904

ERTEL, Conrad, 1858-1924

ERTEL, Flora A., 1890-1891

ERTEL, Mathilda W., 1881-1884

ERTEL, Raymond F., Apr 17, 1892-Nov 10, 1900

EVERS, Charles R., 1865-1957

EVERS, J.H., marker only

EVERS, Katharine M., 1872-1950

EVERSZ, Herrmann Hein., died Aug 13, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records) EVERSMAN, Esther A., 1900-1973

EVERSMAN, John H., 1886-1960

EVERSMANN, William H., July 20, 1859-Apr 24, 1901

EVERSMANN, Anna Alvina, 1883-1933

EVERSMANN, Anna Marie C., 1851-1912

EVERSMANN, Babies, no dates recorded

EVERSMANN, Catherine M., 1836-1916, mother

EVERSMANN, Charlotte E., 1835-1911, mutter

EVERSMANN, Clara Louise, 1886-1886

EVERSMANN, Edward Henry, 1889-1963

EVERSMANN, Fred H., 1875-1951

EVERSMANN, Gerhardt H.C., 1834-1894, vater, Selig sind die toden die in den herrn sterben EVERSMANN, Henry E., 1861-1938, father

EVERSMANN, Ivah K., 1884-1969

EVERSMANN, J. Frederick, 1833-1919, father

EVERSMANN, J. G. William, 1843-1890

EVERSMANN, John Henry, 1873-1878

EVERSMANN, Louis F., 1869-1944, father

EVERSMANN, Louis H., 1865-1945, father

EVERSMANN, Louise, 1872-1970

EVERSMANN, Marie Elisa, 1876-1878

EVERSMANN, Mary E., 1863-1923, mother

EVERSMANN, Mary L., 1873-1965, mother

EVERSMANN, Minnie L., 1869-1963, mother

EVERSMANN, Ralph W., 1903-1978, son (of Louis H. and Mary)

EVERSMANN, William G., 1897-1898 (son of Louis and Minnie)


FANDRAY, Marion Gertler, Nov 8, 1916-Aug 12, 1995, beloved mother/daughter

FANGMEIER, Christ, died Feb 4, 1876, aged 57 years

FANGMEIER, William, Sep 17, 1875-Aug 1876

FARK, Anna M., 1842-1920, mother

FARK, Katharina, died Feb 10, 1841, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

FARK, William G., 1882-1908, son

FARK, William H., 1838-1909, father

FEERST, Catharina, no dates recorded

FEERST, Johann, no dates recorded

FELDMAN, George H. Jr., Oct 13, 1896-Jan 23, 1961, Pvt 2nd Tng BN 158th DB, enlisted Sep 23, 1918, discharged Jan 7, 1919



FELDMANN, marker only

FENCHEL, Johanna Catharina, died Sep 14, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

FENCHEL?, Georg Hein., died Apr 22, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

FENNELL, Debbie A., 1961-1961, on Commodore Harrold stone

FERREDAY, Charles A., 1880-1919, name on Fred Knight stone

FESTA, Mary Elizabeth, 1919-1980, niece

FETH, Anna, 1884-1892

FETH, Annie, 1851-1934, wife of Nick

FETH, Catharine, 1819-1904, mother

FETH, Charles J., Jan 8, 1882-Nov 28, 1883

FETH, Christine, 1864-1921, mother

FETH, Elizabeth, 1869-1881

FETH, George, 1879-1884

FETH, Henry, 1843-1916, husband (of Mary)

FETH, Henry, 1874-1876

FETH, Johanna M., 1857-1944, mother

FETH, John George, 1858-1922, father

FETH, John P., 1865-1925, father

FETH, Katherine, 1876-1884

FETH, Mary, 1846-1913, wife (of Henry)

FETH, Michael, no dates recorded

FETH, Myra, May 15, 1887-June 25, 1887

FETH, Nicholas, 1823-1879, father

FETH, Nick, 1845-1929

FETH, Peter, 1882-1884

FINK, John P., 1853-1881

FISCHER, Emma V., 1892-1975, mother

FISCHER, Friederich, 1827-1886

FISCHER, George F., 1888-1954, father

FISCHER, Rosina, 1825-1885

FISHER, Fred B., 1880-1957

FISHER, Lotta S., 1882-1974

FLAIG, Andrew, 1850-1922, husband

FLATH, A.B. Hilda, Feb 6, 1890-Feb 17, 1891, daughter of George and M.

FLATH, Anna B., Dec 11, 1828-Apr 1, 1910, mother

FLATH, George, Apr 22, 1864-Oct 30, 1936

FLATH, Jacob, Mar 22, 1820-Mar 29, 1895, father

FLATH, Mary E., May 17, 1867-June 2, 1923

FLATH, Regina C., Dec 14, 1901-Oct 10, 1994

FLISCH, Charlotte White, 1856-1917, mother, nee Schenecker

FLOCK, John, 1824-1907

FLOKERZI, Theresa Smith, 1860-1951, mother

FORD, Mary G., 1838-1911, mother

FORD, Nicholas, 1836-1915, father

FOREMAN, John S., 1875-1895

FOREMAN, Marie, 1833-1905

FORSHA, Elizabeth R., died May 17, 1964, buried on RAU lot


FORSTER, George, 1867-1870

FORSTER, Katie, 1870-1871

FORSTER, Maria Christianna, 1835-1904, wife of Nicolaus

FORSTER, Nicolaus, 1926-1880

FORTLAGE, Anna C. Voskamp, 1861-1935, mother, same stone as Edna WALTENBAUGH

FORTSCH, Margaretha, died Dez 19, 1859, 2 years 10 months, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

FORTSCH, Martin, died Dez 7, 1859, born Sep 15, 1819, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

FRANKE, Elmer L., 1904-1940, son

FRANKE, Herbert C., 1901-1965, son

FRANKE, Julia M., 1875-1957, mother

FRANKE, William C., 1875-1955, father

FRANKLIN, Charles M., Sep 22, 1875-Dec 3, 1959, father

FRANKLIN, Clara Dumont, June 14, 1886-Aug 18, 1949, mother

FRAUMANN, Henrietta J., 1880-1947

FRAUMANN, John F., Jan 7, 1878-July 4, 1947, PVT CO F 18th PVI, enlisted Apr 27, 1898, discharged Oct 22, 1898

FRAUMANN, John F., Jr., 1907-1931

FRAUMANN, Lavina, 1898-1965

FRAUMANN, Millard, 1901-19__

FREIBERGER, Frances, 1883-1926, mother

FREIBERGER, John J., died Feb 18, 1893, aged 41 years, 'Twas hard to give thee up, but thy will, O God, be done.

FREIBERGER, William, 1879-1944, father

FREISLEBEN, Anna Margaretha Barbara, died Dez 26, 1859, 5 years 3 months, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

FREISLEBEN, Anna Maria, (no dates)

FREISLEBEN, J. Andreas, Nov 14, 1814-Marz 16, 1892, das stille grab erschreckt den frommen nicht er hofft auf gott und furchtet kein gericht

FREY, Augusta, Jan 19, 1842-Nov 22, 1904, mother, wife of Leonard

FREYE, Anna L., 1861-1941

FREYE, Carolina C., Sep 25, 1830-Mar 10, 1913, mother

FREYE, Elizabeth C., Apr 25, 1867-Apr 24, 1901

FREYE, Gerhard H., Sep 29, 1827-Nov 30, 1901, father

FREYE, H. Wilbert, 1898

FREYE, Henry G., 1864-1943

FREYE, Wilhemina, 1866-1898

FRIDAY, Anna S., Apr 15, 1873-June 2, 1921, mother

FRIDAY, John H., Dec 28, 1866-Dec 31, 1932, father

FRIESS, Friedrich, died Aug 9, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

FRINK, Georg Heinrich, died Juli 15, 1841, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

FRITZ, Antonia, Mar 24, 1833-Dec 4, 1901, our mother, she sleeps in Jesus

FROHRING, Anna Marie, Sep 4, 1831-Mar 4, 1912, mother

FROHRING, Johann Christoph, July 15, 1827-Apr 8, 1897, father

FROHRING, John N., July 12, 1853-Dec 27, 1925

FULTON, Alice, 1870-1943


GALINAT, Herman W., 1907-1949, Daddy

GANG, Hannah, b. 1836 d. 1907, GANG-HELWING, marker only, (Source: Gary Rogers,

GANG, Heinrich, b. 1822 d. Sept 20, 1908, GANG-HELWING, marker only, (Source: Gary Rogers,

GANG-HELWING, marker only

GANG, Joh. Herrmann, died Marz 17, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

GANSTER, Charlotte, 1850-1936, mother

GANSTER, William, 1856-1939, father

GARLICH, B.H., marker only

GAUSS, D.A., no dates recorded

GEHRCHING?, Marie Elise, died Juli 8, 1859, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

GEIDEL, Adam, 1843-1913

GEIDEL, Baby, 1893-1893, child of Philip & Rose

GEIDEL, Edwin, 1900-1902, child of Philip & Rose

GEIDEL, Elizabeth, 1838-1914, mother

GEIDEL, Ethel, 1902-1902, child of Philip & Rose

GEIDEL, J.A. Albert, 1874-1962

GEIDEL, John Philip, 1833-1921, father

GEIDEL, Philip, 1867-1929, father

GEIDEL, Philip, 1903-1904, child of Philip & Rose

GEIDEL, Rhoda, 1893-1894, child of Philip & Rose

GEIDEL, Rose Doelbor, 1869-1937, mother

GEIDEL, Sylvia K., 1897-1902

GEIDEL, Wilhelmina K., 1870-1948

GEIDEL, Willa M., 1901-1976

GEISLER, Charlotte, 1829-1962, name on Johann Kemper stone

GEISLER, Christian, 1827-1886, name on Johann Kemper stone

GEISLER, Maria Engel, Nov 18, 1828-Nov 21, 1895, denn diese nacht ist bie mir gestan den der engel gottes dess ich bin und dem ich diene

GEORGE, Anna K., 1856-1936

GEORGE, John F., 1851-1933, father

GEORGE, John P., 1873-1912, father, same stone as Augusta Beck

GEORGE, Leonard, Oct 28, 1850?-Dec 26, 1893, husband

GEORGE, Paul, 1897-1918, Pvt. QMC USA, died at Camp Taylor, KY

GERBERDING, Dorothea, 1817-1877

GERBERDING, Emilie E., 1887-1892, name on HACHMEISTER stone

GERBERDING, Heinrich, died Jan 29, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

GERBERING, H. F., 1821-1865

GERDING, G.H., gest. Juni 7, 1871, im alter von 86 yahren, name on SCHUMPE monument

GERDING, George F., 1865-1869

GERDING, Henry 1833-1902

GERDING, M.E., gest. Mai 16, 1866, im alter von 76 yahren, name on SCHUMPE monument

GERDING, Mary E., 1833-1925

GERHARDT, Katharine E., 1793-1879, name on NICOLAUS FORSTER monument

GERNERT, Alice M., 1867-1939, mother

GERNERT, Charles F., 1892-1913, brother

GERNERT, Charles W., 1859-1941, father

GERNERT, Gustave, 1865-1909, father

GERNERT, Henry, May 24, 1822-Aug 19, 1893

GERNERT, M. Agnes, Nov 20, 1825-Oct 30, 1881

GERNERT, Mollie M., 1876-1941, mother

GERNERT, Nellie A., 1890-1894, sister

GERTLER, Frederick William, 1887-1918

GERTLER, Minna Schwarze, 1860-1928

GERTLER, Susie H., 1884-1954, mother

GERTLER, William F., 1885-1961, father

GERTLER, William Frederick, 1858-1892

GESCHEFSKI, Louisa Ratzkus, Dez 30, 1833-April 1, 1880, gatten von Karl Geschefski, Alllzu fruh bit du von uns geschieden doch du gingst heim in selger run und frieden, droben in den hochten hohen, werden win dich o gatten mutter wieder sehen

GETTMAN, Charles A., 1871-1914

GETTMAN, Charlotte M., 1893-1974

GETTMAN, Earl J., 1896-1917, son (of Mary K. and Philip)

GETTMAN, Elizabeth, 1834-1923, mother

GETTMAN, Elizabeth, no dates recorded

GETTMAN, Mary K., 1865-1933, mother

GETTMAN, Peter J., 1834-1928, father

GETTMAN, Philip, 1863-1933, father

GETTMAN, unknown

GIARRUSSO, Elinore Hatting, 1917-1983

GIELFUSS, Emma, Nov 5, 1881-Jan 26, 1890

GIELFUSS, Hermann R., 1835-1896, father

GIELFUSS, Johanna M., 1839-1924, mother

GIES, John, 1814-1878, father

GIES, Mary E., 1812-1887, mother

GIESKE, Amanda G., June 14, 1899-May 10, 1900

GIESKE, Carl A., 1889-1947

GIESKE, Charlotte W., 1884-1948

GIESKE, E., Caroline, Feb 4, 1857-Nov 6, 1928

GIESKE, Emma M., 1892-1965, wife

GIESKE, H. William, Oct 8, 1854-Oct 30, 1903

GIESKE, Harry W., 1881-1960, husband

GIESKE, Katie Wach, 1880-1925

GIESKE, Olinde M., 1887-1938

GLIENKE, August K., 1865-1916, our brother

GOETZ, Clara W., Sep 19, 1885-June 22, 1886

GOETZ, Daniel, 1857-1919

GOETZ, J.H. Pauline, 1858-1915, mother

GOETZ, Nellie A., Apr 12, 1883-May 3, 1884

GOETZ, Paul D., May 20, 1897-Feb 11, 1937, Private, Chem W Serv, enlisted Sep 3, 1918, discharged Dec 10, 1918

GOETZ, William D., June 18, 1888-Oct 1, 1888

GOOD, Emma, 1867-1943, mother

GOOD, John, 1864-1948, father

GOODWORTH, Earlene, 1920-1922, granddaughter

GOODWORTH, Marie Schoettler, 1892-1927, daughter

GOSSER, A.J., 1863-1934, husband

GOSSER, Bertha Schellhaas, 1860-1947, wife

GOTTSCHALG, Friederika, June 19, 1831-Mar 31, 1919

GOTTSCHALG, John, Feb 2, 1822-July 29, 1907

GOTTSCHALG, Wilhelm Gustav, Apr 19, 1855-Aug 15, 1859, sohn von Johann C. & Fridericka, lasset die kindlein zu mir, kommen und wehnet ihnen nich denn solcher ist das reich gottes

GOTTESCHALK, August Wilhelm, Aug 15, 1859, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

GRAEBNER, Baby, no dates recorded

GRAHAM, Albert R., 1868-1949, father

GRAHAM, Anna M. L., 1877-1929, mother

GRAHAM, James F., 1907-1933, son

GRANT, Ida S., 1874-1956

GRANT, John M., 1879-1946

GREB, Edward L., 1919-1966, husband

GREB, Ella Mae, 1920-1969, wife

GRIFFITH, Sallie S., 1872-1937, mother

GROETSCH, marker only

GROSS, Edwin, 1907-1914

GROSS, Esther, 1915-1918

GROSS, Henry J., 1858-1930, father

GROSS, Katherine, 1873-1952, mother

GROSS, Walter, 1906-1921

GROTHAUS, Heinr. Wilh., died Apr 5, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

GUNTZ, George, 1865-1902

GUNTZ, John Jr., July 28, 1853-Jan 7, 1898

GUNTZ, John, 1820-1905

GUNTZ, Margaret B., 1831-1899


HAAS, George L., 1873-1924, son

HAAS, Lewis, 1842-1875, father

HAAS, Mary, 1848-1937, mother

HACHMEISTER, Dorothea E., 1823-1894, mother

HACHMEISTER, Henry J., 1835-1877, father

HACHMEISTER, Johanna R., 1861-1880, daughter

HACHMEISTER, Sophie Rosine, died Sep 21, 1859, 1 year 10 months, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HACHMEISTER, Sophie R., 1857-1859, (see above transcription/could be same)

HACHMEISTER, William H., 1867-1868

HACKE Dorothe Wilhelmina, Sep 27, 1831-Sep 10, 1916

HACKE, Heinrich C., Ockt 19, 1830-Apr 16, 1890

HAFT, Helen, 1880-1947, mother

HAFT, William, 1870-1949, father

HAGEN, Mathilda, 1840-1930, mother, (click Link to contact relative, Sandy Smith)

HAGEN, Doris E., 1917-1925, daughter

HAGEN, Elmer F., 1890-1947, father

HAIG, Catherine H., 1893-1981

HAIG, Earl E., 1894-1991

HAIG, Emma C., 1873-1952, mother

HAKE, Frederick W., 1840-1894, father

HAKE, Louisa A., 1849-1911, mother

HAKE, Margaret M., 1869-1916, sister

HAKE, Matilda, no dates recorded

HAMMOND, Clara, 1870-1898, sister, buried on YOUNGLING lot

HANEY, marker only

HANGE, Marie Friedricke, died Oct 27, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HANNEN, Carrie, 1886-1918

HARBAUGH, marker only

HARNACK, Charlotte L., July 31, 1927-August 1, 1927

HARNACK, Henrietta S., 1900-1980

HARNACK, Theodore F., Aug 1, 1925-Sep 22, 1973, Pennsylvania SC 3 US Navy World War II

HARNACK, Theodore F., Sr., 1899-1985

HARROLD, Commodore N., 1880-1918, same stone as Wheeler and Fennell

HARROLD, Grayson E., 1914-1975

HARROLD, Nellie H., 1880-1953

HARROLD, William J., 1906-1961

HARTMANN, Johann Jacob, died Dez 11, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HARTZELL, Rose A., 1857-1928

HARVEY, Delos, G., 1888-1942, son

HARVEY, Elizabeth M., 1864-1955, mother

HARVEY, James W., 1860-1928, father

HASSELLBRINK. Christian, died Mai 3, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HASSELLBRINK?, Marie Louise, died Dez 15, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HASSELMAN, Anna L., 1887-1906, daughter

HASSELMAN, Emma, 1882-1882

HASSELMAN, Georgina M., 1846-1920, mother

HASSELMAN, Henry W., 1877-1879

HASSELMAN, Jennie M., 1883-1893, daughter

HASSELMAN, William H., 1846-1919, father

HASSELMANN, Albert P., died Mar 24, 1904, aged 24 years, my husband

HATTING, Bertha W., 1899-1989, buried A-151-C-2

HATTING, Harry G., Nov 10, 1887-Feb 23, 1973, Pennsylvania PVT US Army World War I

HATTING, Herman G., 1854-1936

HATTING, Ottilie E., 1885-1946

HATTING, Sophie D., 1861-1950

HATTING, William G., 1914-1972, same stone as Ivah and Fred EVERSMANN

HAVEKOTTE, Anna M., 1824-1906, name on LAUMAN stone

HAVEKOTTE, Anna, 1883-1943

HAVEKOTTE, Carl E., 1901-1968

HAVEKOTTE, Katherine, 1881-1957, mother

HAVEKOTTE, Mary, 1858-1942

HAVEKOTTE, William L.F., 1870-1933, father

HAYWISER, Alice G., 1904-1923, lot 65, sec E

HAYWISER, George B., 1875-1946, father, lot 65, sec E

HAYWISER, Katherine M., 1874-1954, mother, lot 65, sec E

HAYWISER, Margaret K., 1898-1921, lot 65, sec E

HECK, James N., 1911-1949, Corporal US Marine Corps World War II

HEIDMEIER, Charlotte, died Juni 16, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HEIDMEYER, marker only

HEINBEIN, Bertha, died Aug 11, 1958, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HEINBRINK, ?, died Juni 7, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HEINLEIN, Johannes Andreas, died Mar 12, 1859, 60 years of age, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HELFER, Caroline, Apr 23, 1830-Feb 22, 1908

HELFER, Jacob, Mar 10, 1823-Dec 3, 1891

HELFMAN, Catherine, 1864-1882

HELFMAN, John, 1831-1918, father

HELFMAN, Magdalena, 1832-1913, mother

HELFMAN, Mary E., 1896-1912

HELLWIG, Simon, died Juli 7, 1859, 36 years of age, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HELM, Edwin, 1889-1913, son

HELM, Fred, 1854-1944, father

HELM, George H., 1886-1888, son

HELM, Margaret, 1891-1908, daughter

HELM, Minnie, 1858-1949, mother

HELMICH, H., marker only

HELWIG, Franz, b.1894 d. 1896, GANG-HELWING, marker only, (Source: Gary Rogers,

HELWIG, Louisa Gang, b.1862 d. April 25, 1934, GANG-HELWING, marker only, (Source: Gary Rogers,

HELWIG, Peter, b.1862 d. Oct. 5, 1925, GANG-HELWING, marker only, (Source: Gary Rogers,

HEMMINGHAUS, Anna Elisa, no dates recorded

HEMMINGHAUS, Elizabeth, 1798-1860, grandmother (buried on BEERMANN lot)

HEMMINGHAUS, Franz H., no dates recorded

HENDERSON, Edmond K., 1865-1904

HENRICH, Elizabeth Knobel, 1854-1916, mother

HERDER, Catherine, 1875-1937, mother

HERDER, Emil C., 1865-1935, father

HERFORTH, marker only

HERMANN, Anna B., 1883-1955

HERRMANN, George J., 1814-1891, father

HERRMANN, John, 1854-1911

HERRMANN, Kunda, 1822-1892, mother

HERRMANN, Lawrence, 1852-1916

HERTEL, Babbette, 1848-1928, mother

HERTEL, George, 1846-1913, father

HESS, Louise Olga, 1897-1978

HEUER, Albert H., 1890-1924, son

HEUER, Anna M.E., 1861-1941, mother

HEUER, Fredrick, 1852-1931, father

HEYL, Bertha Bentz, 1864-1955, mother

HILD, Johann George, no dates recorded

HINDERER, Anna Elizabeth, 1847-1920

HINDERER, Clarence W., 1877-1903

HINNAU, Johann Heinrich, died Jan 22, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HINNAU, Johann Herrmann, died Dez 17, 1840, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HINNAU, Johann Wilhelm, died Aug 9, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HOERR, Ernest, Feb 28, 1828-Apr 29, 1899, father

HOERR, Wilhelmina, Mar 6, 1829-June 21, 1910, mother

HOFFMAN, Caroline, 1952-1917, mother

HOFFMAN, Charlotte, 1861-1911

HOFFMAN, John M., 1902-1985, masonic symbol

HOFFMAN, Nola A., 1903-1986

HOFFMAN, Phillip J., 1854-1929, father

HOFFMAN, William J., 1862-1947

HOFFMANN, Christiana, 1858-1916, mother

HOFFMANN, Karl, 1856-1934, father

HOLLENBACH, Sarah, died Mai 23, 1859, 37 years of age, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HOLLENBACH, Sarah, died May 24, 1859, 3 days, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

HOLLENBECK, A.M. Carolina, Juni 11, 1822-Maerz 25, 1893

HOLLENBECK, F. Wilhelm, Dez 4, 1817-Sep 13, 1897

HOLLENBECK, Mary Louise, 1868-1934, mother

HOLLENBECK, William Martin, 1866-1932, father

HOLSTE, Harry, Feb 23, 1901-Apr 15, 1935, Private Co L 132nd Infantry, enlisted Jan 6, 1918, discharged May 25, 1919

HOLSTE, in memory of Minnie and Katie, no dates recorded

HOLSTE, William, 1844-1910

HOLTZ, Adam, 1871-1943

HOLTZ, Dorothy, 1913-1978

HOLTZ, Emil, 1900-1983

HOLTZ, Erwin A., Mar 3, 1909-Sep 7, 1985, Masonic symbol

HOLTZ, Jennie, E., 1871-1945

HOOVER, Anne M., 1952-2001, wife, mother, angel

HORNER, Eva Richardson, 1876-1949, mother

HORNER, Raymond Howard, 1908-1926, son

HORNER, Thelma Eva, 1906-1942, daughter

HORNER, William Henry, 1874-19__, father

HORNUNG, Hilda, 1903-1903, name on ROEHREN stone

HOUSE, Martha A. Glienke, 1871-1922, wife of John B. House, our sister

HUBER, Anna, no dates recorded

HUBER, John, no dates recorded

HUCKE, Anna O., 1843-1907

HUCKE, Charles A.H., July 10, 1832-Nov 26, 1897, Corp Co G 6th Ohio Vol Inf, enlisted June 6, 1861, discharged June 23, 1864

HUGHES, Augusta Marie Gertler, 1881-1952

HUGHES, Mary J., 1854-1944, same stone as Laura H. Wagner

HULL, Bertha Wunderlich, 1877-1942

HULL, Ruth, no dates recorded

HULL, W. Frank, 1877-1933


IMBUSCH, Henry F., 1867-1938, father

IMBUSCH, Mary Kuhlman, 1871-1930, mother

IMBUSCH, Ruth Otte, 1900-1954


JACKSON, L.S., no dates recorded

JACKSON, S., no dates recorded

JAEGER, Christina, died Oct 9, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

JAHN, Johanna, June 7, 1827-Dec 13, 1902, mutter

JAHN, Robert, Marz 14, 1823-Juni 23, 1898, vater

JOHNSTON, Emma Steinbrink, 1861-1905, wife of William L. Johnston

JOHNSTON, George V., 1894-1971, name on ROEHREN stone

JOHNSTON, Louisa E., 1901-1989, name on ROEHREN stone

JONES, Birdie Muhlich, 1879-1916, sister, buried on Muhlich lot

JOSBERGER, Augusta, 1873-1940

JOSBERGER, John, 1871-1938

JOST, Caroline W., 1844-1916, mother

JOST, George Frederick, 1841-1907, father

JOST, John Charles, 1868-1903, brother

JOYCE, Helen E., 1894-1906

JUERGEN, George H., 1871-1916, husband

JUERGEN, Gerhard H., 1829-1887

JUERGEN, Regina e., 1833-1909


KAISER MONUMENT, no individual markers

KAISER, Anna M., 1842-1895

KAISER, August H., June 11, 1888-Oct 22, 1963, PVT US Army World War I

KAISER, Clara H.S., 1868-1927

KAISER, E.W., no dates recorded

KAISER, Eduard A., 1886-1906

KAISER, Ellen Valette, Nov 19, 1900-Jan 14, 1984

KAISER, Hilda C., Apr 11, 1896-Oct 30, 1974, same stone as Lisetta PHILLLIPS

KAISER, Ludwig, 1839-1906

KAISER, Mabel V., 1887-19___, wife

KAISER, Walter V., 1886-1955, beloved husband

KAISER, Wilhelm G., 1888-1904

KAISER, William F.L., 1868-1901

KALBAUGH, Anna K., 1867-1922

KALBFELL, Annie Pfeiffer, 1833-1895, mother

KALBFELL, Jacob, 1827-1877, father

KALMEYER, August F, 1869-1914

KALMEYER, George G., 1836-1922, father

KALMEYER, Henry, 1836-1903, father

KALMEYER, Louisa, 1839-1911, mother

KALMEYER, Sophia, 1849-1912, mother

KALTENBAUGH, John Armour, 1877-1965, husband

KALTENBAUGH, John, 1839-1918, father, 1st Leiut. Co H 102d Regt PV

KALTENBAUGH, Katherine Saling, 1884-1958, wife

KALTENBAUGH, Mary Stevenson, 1853-1926, mother

KALTENBAUGH, Wesley Herron, MD, 1871-1927, son

KALTENHAEUSSER, John A., 1854-1935

KALTENHAEUSSER, Margaret B., 1821-1899

KALTENHAEUSSER, Veit A., 1811-1886

KALTENHAEUSSER. Anna E., 1858-1949

KALTENHAUSER, John M., no dates recorded

KAUFFELD, Katherine Collins, 1861-1943

KAUFFELD, William Casper, 1860-1941

KAUFFELD, William S., July 6, 1896-Jan 19, 1899, son of William and Kate

KAUFFMANN, Barbara, 1845-1928, mother

KAUFFMANN, F. Leonard, 1873-1942, son

KAUFFMANN, G. L., 1841-1917, father

KEIL, Edward A., 1874-1939, son

KEIL, John A., 1870-1960, son

KEIL, John, Jr., 1839-1908, father, Co K 102 PV

KEIL, Mary E., 1879-1943, daughter

KEIL, Mattie B., 1849-1922, mother

KEIL, Robert H., 1877-1953, son

KEIL, Walter F., died May 27, 1902, aged 26 years

KELLENBERGER, Henry, Oct 8, 1856-Dec 17, 1908

KELLENBERGER, Karl, June 23, 1820-Mar 6, 1886

KELLENBERGER, M. Eliz., May 20, 1863-Dec 4, 1923

KELLENBERGER, Mary A., Mar 20, 1822-Jan 16, 1891

KELLEY, Mary Emma Conrad, 1857-1897, wife of J.C. Kelley (on Conrad lot)

KEMPER, 5 UNKNOWN stones on Kemper lot

KEMPER, Alfred H., 1878-1947, father

KEMPER, Anna M.L., 1850-1861

KEMPER, Anna Marie, Sep 8, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

KEMPER, J. H. Rudolph, Oct 16, 1816-July 3, 1905, derr herr ist mein hirte mir wird nichts mangeln

KEMPER, Joh. Herrm., died Sep 24, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

KEMPER, Johann D.V., 1819-1894

KEMPER, Maria Elise, died Dec 26, 1859, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

KEMPER, Maria Elizabeth, Dez 22, 1817-Marz 9, 1886

KEMPER, Maria R., 1826-1904

KEMPER, Marie E., 1862-1876

KEMPER, Marie Elizabeth, no dates recorded

KEMPER, Regine M.L., 1855-1882

KENZESKY, Albert, 1891-1892

KENZESKY, Charles, 1889-1892

KENZESKY, Ella, 1875-1892

KENZESKY, Eva, 1853-19__, mother

KENZESKY, Howard, 1886-1932, Daddy, masonic symbol

KENZESKY, John, 1841-1912, father

KENZESKY, William, 1873-1888

KERL, Carolina, 1843-1908, wife of Louis

KERL, Louis, 1839-___, Co F 74 Regt PVI

KERL, Wilhelm H., no dates recorded

KESSELL, Ephram?, died Marz 23, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

KESSLER, Marie Engel., died Juni 28, 1858, nee Brinkmann, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

KHOLOS, Frank, 1898-1986, masonic symbol

KHOLOS, Margaret, 1905-1971

KIETTER, E., no dates recorded

KIETTER, Marie, 1901-1977

KIGHTLINGER, Albert E., Nov 17, 1894-Apr 21, 1965, Pvt, CO A 30th Engrs, enlisted Sep 20, 1917, discharged April 30, 1919

KIGHTLINGER, Chester, no dates recorded

KIGHTLINGER, Frank B., Feb 1, 1900-Dec 16, 1965

KIGHTLINGER, Minnie, no dates recorded

KIMMLER, Laura Boehmig, no dates recorded, name on Valentine Kinzler stone

KINZLER, Valentine Jr., no dates recorded

KINZLER, Valentine Sr., no dates recorded

KIRCHER, Adam M., 1831-1880

KIRCHER, Elizabeth N., 1832-1913

KIRCHER, family

KIRCHHOFF, Marie, died Oct 22, 1859, born July 21, 1859, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

KIRSTEN, G., marker only

KLAMMER, Charles, 1891-1930, son, FAR MOB VET SEC 3RD DIV

KLAMMER, monument only

KLEAR, Elizabeth, 1861-1917, wife of Michael, mother

KLEAR, Elsie, 1892-1958

KLEAR, Florence, Aug 28, 1916-Dec 15, 1918, same stone as Infant Davis

KLEAR, Herbert, 1900-1905, unser liebling

KLEAR, William, 1887-1964


KLEIMANN, Anna, 1870-1958

KLEIMANN, Casper H., 1835-1917

KLEIMANN, Catherine, 1838-1920

KLEIMANN, Charlie, Sep 6, 1867-Sep 3, 1869

KLEIMANN, John H., 1864-1914

KLEIMANN, Julia, 1872-1960

KLEIMANN, Lizzie L., July 7, 1879-Nov 15, 1890

KLOTZ, A. Mathilde, 1883-1947, mother

KLOTZ, Florence S., no dates

KLOTZ, John W., 1918-1996, Concordia Seminary Professor

KLOTZ, John William, 1886-1968, father

KNIGHT, C. Fred, 1890-1973

KNIGHT, Eva E., 1889-1988

KNOBEL, Henry, 1877-1962, father

KNOBEL, John P., 1883-1905, brother

KNOBEL, Karl G., May 5, 1917-May 10, 1955, Tec 4 QMC, enlisted Feb 4, 1943, discharged Nov 12, 1945

KNOBEL, Kate, 1886-1925, daughter

KNOBEL, Margaret, 1882-1974, mother

KNOBEL, Peter, 1850-1890, father

KOBER, Alfred Edwin, 1893-1917, son

KOBER, Anna J., 1861-1879

KOBER, Catherine Jane, June 17, 1848-Jan 21, 1918, mother

KOBER, Eleanor G., Dec 26, 1940

KOBER, Frederick, 1833-1908

KOBER, G. Fred, 1882-1956

KOBER, George Pirl, 1890-1919, son

KOBER, J. F., 1853-1903, father

KOBER, John Alexander, Feb 15, 1850-Dec 29, 1929, father

KOBER, Richard S., Dec 14, 1935-Nov 28, 1938

KOBER, Rose, 1854-1932, mother

KOBER, Rosie, 1887-1902, daughter of J.F. and Rose Kober

KOBER, Rosina M., 1829-1886

KOEBERT, Anna L., 1874-1928, mother

KOEGLER, Arthur A., 1885-1885

KOEGLER, Ralph N., 1885-1887

KOESTER, Dorothea, no dates recorded

KOESTER, J.A., 1855-1926

KOESTER, Johann, no dates recorded

KOGLIN, Amelia A., 1860-1921, mother

KOGLIN, Ernest W., 1859-1904, father

KOGLIN, Gustave J., 1883-1919, brother

KOHNE, Christopher, no dates recorded

KOHNE, Elise, died Apr 26, 1859, 1 year 3 months, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

KOHNE, Franz H., no dates recorded

KOHNE, Karl Wilhelm, died Marz 7, 1859, born Dec 17, 1853, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

KOHNE, monument only

KRAMER, Alex, 1869-1915, husband

KRAMER, John F., 1875-1876

KRAMER, John H., Sr., 1818-1891

KRAMER, Louise, 1826-1905

KRAMER, M. Elizabeth, 1861-1890

KRAMER, Millie M., 1872-1883

KRAMER, Morgan G., 1903-1903

KREIMEIER, Ada M., Dec 14, 1886-Apr 4, 1889, child of F.H. and L.C.

KREIMEIER, Anna M., 1885-1982

KREIMEIER, Bernard, Mar 20, 1831-May 27, 1899, father

KREIMEIER, Catherine, Jan 13, 1866-Mar 16, 1921, sister

KREIMEIER, Charlotte R., Apr 6, 1833-Feb 1, 1899, wife of Bernard, mother

KREIMEIER, Clara Marie, 1868-1948

KREIMEIER, David J., 1864-1937

KREIMEIER, Emma M., May 10, 1889-Apr 8, 1891, child of F.H. and L.C

KREIMEIER, Frank B. H., Aug 28, 1894-July 6, 1908, son of F.H. and L.C.

KREIMEIER, Frank H., 1861-1934

KREIMEIER, Henry J., Jan 19, 1876-Dec 8, 1912, brother

KREIMEIER, Hilda M., 1893-1976

KREIMEIER, Irene C., May 20, 1898-Apr 8, 1900

KREIMEIER, John Rudolph Adam, Dec 31, 1829-Nov 21, 1909

KREIMEIER, Louise B., 1864-1942

KREIMEIER, Lydia A., 1890-1982

KREIMEIER, Marie L., Feb 5, 1896-Apr 9, 1896, child of F.H. and L.C.

KREIMEIER, Myrtle L., Mar 10, 1893-June 27, 1893, child of F.H. and L.C.

KREIMEIER, Stella K., Feb 3, 1888-July 7, 1888, child of F.H. and L.C.

KROBER, Heinrich, died Aug 20, 1841, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

KRUEGER, Amelia J., 1841-1919, name on ROHE stone

KRUEGER, Amelia J., Oct 27, 1841-June 11, 1919

KRUEGER, Henry L., 1837-1910, name on ROHE stone

KRUEGER, Henry L., Aug 7, 1837-Apr 16, 1910

KRUGER, Albert Sr., 1865-1943, father

KRUGER, Anna, 1836-1904

KRUGER, Gottfried, 1831-1904

KRUGER, Lena, 1873-1964, mother

KRUSE, Anna E, 1877, name on HEINRICH SIEMON stone

KRUSE, Sophie Katharine, died Jan 23, 1859, born Oct 17, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

KUHLMAN, Christian F., 1839-1892

KUHLMAN, Johanna M., 1841-1911, wife of Christian

KUHLMANN, Katherine, died Sep 2, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

KUHN, Emil, 1865-1917, PDDGM Angerona Lodge 289 IOOF

KULKMAN, Elisa Voskamp, 1835-1878


LABOON, A. William, 1892-1924, buried 31-B-4

LAMBERT, Margaret E., 1899-1906

LAMMAY, Anna C., Mar 1, 1882-Aug 15, 1930, mother

LAMMERT, Anna, 1831-1870

LAMMERT, August H., 1869-1870

LAMMERT, Baby, no dates recorded

LAMMERT, Catharina, 1869-1870

LAMMERT, Esther Wilhelmina, 1898-1901, daughter (of John and Mary)

LAMMERT, George Henry, 1887-1956, son (of John and Mary)

LAMMERT, Gerhard H., 1827-1907

LAMMERT, J. Henry, 1866-1909, brother

LAMMERT, Johann Albert, died Mai 17, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

LAMMERT, John Albert, 1859-1900

LAMMERT, John Albert, 1889-1910, son (of John and Mary)

LAMMERT, John, no dates recorded

LAMMERT, Mary E., 1861-1941, sister

LAMMERT, Mary Eibel, 1865-1955, wife of John Albert

LANG, Amalie, no dates recorded

LANG, Elisabeth, Okt 30, 1821-Marz 15, 1881, Du hast so treu geliebt die deinen die jetzt mit schmerzen um dich weinen nun ruhe sanft in stiller ruh Gott decke dich mit seiner gnade zu

LANG, Emma B., 1878-1958, wife

LANG, Heinrich, died Jan 22, 1859, born July 30, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

LANG, Henry, no dates recorded

LANG, Herman K., 1863-1951, husband

LANG, John H., no dates recorded

LANG, Michael, 1821-Nov 11, 1878, Ruhe sanft nach muehevollen tagen redlich ist dein pilgerlauf volbracht treu hast du des tages last getragen schlum reit riedlich in des grabes nacht

LANGE, Emma, 1910-1915

LANGE-KIRSCHBAUM, Alfred, 1908-1983

LANGE-KIRSCHBAUM, Hilda, 1908-1996

LANGE-KIRSCHBAUM, Michael, 1880-1954

LANGE-KIRSCHBAUM, Paul, no dates

LANGKAMP, Catharina, Feb 26, 1822-Dec 28, 1890, mutter

LANGKAMP, Elisabeth, Nov 18, 1819-Jan 19, 1899, mutter

LANGKAMP, Frank Henry, Sep 23, 1852-Sep 7, 1903

LANGKAMP, Heinrich, Dec 6, 1820-Juni 11, 1885, vater

LANGKAMP, Wilhelm, Aug 7, 1818-Jan 15, 1888, vater

LANTNER, Barbara, died Oct 9, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

LAPP, Albert P., Jan 16, 1878-Feb 25, 1899

LAPP, George P., Jan 20, 1868-Sep 28, 1894

LAPP, Jacob, Jan 14, 1840-Feb 9, 1897

LAPP, Justina E., Mar 29, 1838-Feb 21, 1919

LAPPENKORS, Wilhelmina, 1829-1904, name on HACHMEISTER stone

LAUMAN, Anna M., 1849-1936

LAUMAN, Anna M., 1879-1974

LAUMAN, August H., Jr., 1889-1921

LAUMAN, August H., Sr., 1848-1930

LAUMAN, Caroline, 1881-1967

LAUMAN, Margaretta, 1892-1977

LAUTERBACH, Clara E., 1888-1972, mother

LAUTERBACH, Gustav A., 1889-1968, father

LAUTERBACH, Theodore, Aug 13, 1893-Dec 10, 1943, FM 1st CL USN, enlisted June 25, 1917, discharged June 19, 1919

LEGAT, George, 1846-1928, father

LEGAT, Johanna, 1857-1925, mother

LEHMAN, Annie L., 1871-1962

LEHMAN, Harry A., 1868-1935

LEIERZAPF, Elizabeth, died Nov 12, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

LEIERZAPF, marker only

LELAND, Anna M., July 5, 1898-Oct 6, 1983

LELLHOEFER?, Jacob, died Dez 30, 1858, born Jan 31, 1781, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

LEMKER, Herman H., no dates recorded

LEMKER, Katharina L., no dates recorded

LEMKER, Maria E., no dates recorded

LENZ, Robert, no dates recorded, courtesty of Mt. Royal Memorial Park

LEOPOLD, Fredericka, no dates recorded

LEOPOLD, Heinrich, no dates recorded

LEOPOLD, Sep 1, 1812-Sep 28, 1893

LEOPOLD, Simon, Dez 1, 1817-Okt 30, 1894

LEPANT, August Henry, 1857-1937

LEPANT, Elizabeth Merten, 1858-1935

LEPANT, Florence K., 1889-1974

LEPANT, Katherine M., 1896-1988

LEPPER, John, 1860-1887, name on HERRMANN stone

LETSCHE, Anna M., no dates recorded

LETSCHE, Matthias, no dates recorded

LETSCHE, Sarah, no dates recorded

LEUCHT, Dorathea, 1820-1894, same stone as LIND

LEUCHT, George, 1852-1895, same stone as LIND

LEUCHT, John, 1850-1902, same stone as LIND

LEUCHT, Nickolas, 1821-1867, same stone as LIND

LEUCHT, Nickolas, 1848-1914, same stone as LIND

LEWELLYN, Louise J., Jan 2, 1897-Dec 6, 1981

LICKERT, Joh. Georg, died Sep 27, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

LIND, Anna M., 1863-1935, same stone as LEUCHT

LIND, Elsie E., 1896-1956, same stone as LEUCHT

LIND, Peter H., 1857-1928, same stone as LEUCHT

LINDH, Adam, 1856-1916, husband

LINDH, Caroline E., 1876-1945, wife

LINGENFELSER, Harry, 1852-1920

LIPPKE, John, Aug 4, 1894-July 24, 1969, Pennsylvania PVT US Army WW II

LOBECK, Pastor Martin H., 1905-1960, father

LOBER, Christina, 1840-1930, mother

LOBER, George, 1824-1888, father

LOEFFLER, Frederick, Jan 11, 1849-Apr 30, 1924

LOEFFLER, Margaretha Lemker, 1852-1917, wife of Frederick

LOENIGKER, Louisa A., Mai 11, 1857-Maerz 18, 1898, unsere mutter

LOGAN, Jeremiah B., entered into life Oct 15, 1949

LOGAN, Lillian M., born 1893, entered into life 1978

LOGAN, Mary C., born 1888, entered into life 19__

LOGAN, Rachel Jane, entered into life May 17, 1946

LOGAN, Sarah Margaret, entered into life June 11, 1946

LOTT, J. Ernest, no dates recorded

LOTT, marker only

LOUTSENHIZER, Marie E., 1909-1999

LOUTSENHIZER, Wallace S., 1910-1989

LOZIER, Anna, 1888-1942

LOZIER, Hilda, 1911-1982

LOZIER, Jesse, 1893-1984


MADORE, Joann Dorothy, no dates

MADORE, John Howard, Jr., no dates

MADORE, John Howard, Sr., 1914-1958

MADORE, Josephine Minna Cotts Brown, 1907-1978

MAINEY, Harry, 1860-1922, friend, same stone as Mary E. Schafer

MAIOLI, Arvonia Jones, 1916-1999, daughter (of Arvonia Dengel)

MALONEY, Charles J., 1905-1969

MALONEY, Ida M., 1905-1979

MALZHAN, Frank E., 1877-1953

MALZHAN, Helena Schieman, 1870-1952

MANCINI, Freda M., 1920-1979, same stone as Thelma Bloom and Wanda Speiser

MARBURG, marker only

MARTEN, Conrad, died Mai 7, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

MARTING, Children of John and Louisa, no names or dates recorded

MARTING, George W., 1894-1918

MARTING, Louisa, 1867-1940, mother

MARTING, Mildred E., 1902-1918

MASSMANN, Julianna, 1833-1900, mother

MASSMANN, Rev. Hermann F., 1865-1899, brother

MASSMANN, William J., 1832-1903, father

MAYS, Fanny Lyon, 1830-1869, mother

MAYS, Harry W., 1864-1909, brother

MAYS, Mary M., 1855-1869, sister

MAYS, William, 1817-1873, father, CAPT Co H 101st Reg PVV

MCCANN, Carrie E., 1890-1990, mother

MCCANN, Francis J., 1884-1956, father

MCCLENDON, Anna, 1904-1973

MCCLENDON, Arlene, no dates

MCCLENDON, Donald, 1927-1998, WWII

MCCLENDON, Eleanor, 1929-1973

MCCLENDON, Jesse, 1902-1943

MCCONNELL, Edward E., 1869-1965

MCCONNELL, Marie E., 1871-1940

MCGOVERN, Edward P., 1912-1956

MCGOVERN, Frieda S., 1912-2001

McMURRAY, Margaret Menke, June 28, 1904-Oct 4, 1988

McMURRAY, Walter, 1907-1988, US Army World War II

MEDICK, Adolph, 1884-1936, father

MEDICK, Mary J. Grimley, 1890-1973, mother

MEIXNER, Adam G., 1841-1880

MEIXNER, Adam G., 1878-1923

MEIXNER, Elizabeth, 1846-1914

MEIXNER, Louise, 1866-1903

MELLOR, Annie M., 1865-1918

MELLOR, Frank B., 1841-1915

MELZNER, Albertina, 1892-1963

MELZNER, Edward, 1882-1956

MENKE, Amalie Henrietta, Mar 12, 1898-Oct 12, 1967

MENKE, Edward E., 1900-1976, US Army World War I

MENKE, Marie Purucker, Aug 8, 1870-Dec 21, 1950

MENTZER, Anna L., 1862-1929, mother

MENTZER, Louis N., 1858-1930, father

MEOLLENBROCK, Lawrence G., 1899-1924

MERTEN, Antoinette K., no dates recorded

MERTEN, Christian H., 1849-1935

MERTEN, Harry F., 1877-1924

MERTEN, Katherine Schafer, 1849-1926

MEYER, Anna M., Oct 30, 1831-July 2,, 1905, nee Lowheide

MEYER, Anna M., 1813-1867, name on OTTO monument

MEYER, August, 1850-1913, Woodmen of the World

MEYER, Charlotte, 1876-1965, same stone as ELIZABETH DICKERT

MEYER, Christ. G., Dec 4, 1828-Dec 16, 1887

MEYER, Christ., Jr., Aug 26, 1858-Nov 24, 1877

MEYER, Christian F., 1855-1931

MEYER, Eliza M., died Aug 21, 1890, in her 64th year, wife of G.H.

MEYER, Elizabeth M., 1850-1908, child of J.P. and Katherine

MEYER, Elizabeth Marie, 1858-1916

MEYER, G.H., Sep 25, 1829-July 25, 1897

MEYER, Gail Howard, Aug 28, 1910-Nov 23, 1915, son

MEYER, George H., 1853-1921

MEYER, Heinrich, June 26, 1863-June 15, 1865

MEYER, Herman D., 1819-1893, name on OTTO monument

MEYER, J. Philip, 1815-1873

MEYER, Johannes Heinrich, died Aug 17, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

MEYER, Katherine, 1827-1910, wife of J. Philip

MEYER, Katharine Elisabeth, died Aug 29, 1859, 7 years 3 months, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

MEYER, Margaret E., no dates recorded

MEYER, Maria C., Apr 28, 1869-May 27, 1873

MEYER, Mary D., 1865-1907, child of J.P. and Katherine

MEYER, Mary, 1854-1949

MEYER, Regina G., 1861-1867, child of J.P. and Katherine

MEYER, William F., 1860-1914, father

MICHEL, August, no dates recorded

MICHEL, Bernhard, died Apr 19, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

MICHEL, Maria E., 1820-1908

MICHEL, Wester, no dates recorded

MICHEL, Wilhelmina, no dates recorded

MICHELFELDER, Jacob, 1868-1936, husband

MICHELFELDER, Katherine, 1868-1947, wife

MICHELSTETTER, Christine, died Juni 6, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

MIERZWA, Anna E., Oct 8, 1866-Dec 2, 1936

MIERZWA, Julia M., 1841-1904, mother

MIERZWA, Louisa, 1878-1898, sister

MIERZWA, Robert W., 1835-1911, father

MILDNER, monument only

MILLER, Clara M., 1875-1963

MILLER, Dorothy O., 1914-1990, daughter, wife

MILLER, Evaline T., 1896-1979

MILLER, Hazel D. 1890, 1977, mother

MILLER, Herbert W., 1913-1997, husband

MILLER, John C.W., 1865-1943

MILLER, marker only

MILLER, Philip H., 1867-1955

MILLER, Rudolph, 1891-1961, father

MILLER, Sarah F., 1887-1966, mother

MILLER, William R., 1913-1935, son (of Rudolph and Sarah)

MILTNER, George, d. 1878 at age 58, (Source:

MINK, Johannes, died Feb 25, 1841, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

MINKE, Henry William, Jr., 1925-2001, son

MINKE, Henry William, Mar 12, 1898-Apr 26, 1951

MINKE, Hilda C. Bramscher, 1893-1989, mother

MINKE, marker only

MOECK, Jacob, 1848-1903

MOECK, Louisa, no dates recorded

MOELLENBROCK, Albert H., 1879-1929

MOELLENBROCK, Annie Mary, 1868-1930

MOELLENBROCK, Baby, no dates recorded

MOELLENBROCK, Charles W., 1904-1915

MOELLENBROCK, Christine Clara, 1886-1929, sister

MOELLENBROCK, Eliza Anna, 1841-1924, mother

MOELLENBROCK, George H., 1870-1932

MOELLENBROCK, Gerhard, 1839-1903, father

MOELLENBROCK, Julia, 1882-1954

MOELLENBROCK, Margaret A., 1876-1910

MOELLENBROCK, Phoebe F., 1889-1974

MOELLENBROCK, W.C., marker only

MOELLENBROCK, William Frederick, 1873-1916, brother

MOHLMAN, C.S., no dates recorded

MOHLMAN, Charles H., 1862-1916, our son

MOHLMAN, Frank W., Feb 13, 1876-Dec 16, 1902

MOHLMAN, Henry, 1833-1919, father

MOHLMAN, Unknown, no dates recorded

MOHLMAN, Wilhelm, 1879-1890

MOHLMAN, Wilhelmina, 1838-1918, mother

MOHR, Anna B., Dec 7, 1872-July 15, 1917

MOHR, Caroline W., July 18, 1848-Jan 16, 1917, mother

MOHR, Carrie A., Sep 21, 1880-Dec 2, 1902

MOHR, Charles F., Dec 30, 1841-Apr 28, 1915, father

MOHR, Willie, Jan 31, 1869-Feb 6, 1869

MOHROFF, Baby, no dates recorded

MOHROFF, Mary L. Theman, 1848-1912, wife of C.F. Mohroff

MOHROFF, Tillie, no dates recorded

MOORE, Charles H., 1877-1930, son

MOORE, Edward C., 1886-1965

MOORE, Elizabeth J., 1856-1930, mother

MOORE, John J., July 28, 1875-Oct 22, 1928, Musician Co.B. 18th Inf PA Vol, Enl. Apr 27, 1898, Disc. Oct 22, 1898

MOORE, Margaret, 1909-1909, name on EVERSMANN stone

MOORE, Samuel C., 1843-1921, father

MORROW, Eliza, 1809-1885, aunt, buried on MAYS lot

MOTZ, Estella, Oct 5, 1877-Sep 6, 1879, beloved daughter of Jacob and Mary, of such is the kingdom of heaven

MOTZ, Mary Jane, May 12, 1839-Oct 5, 1912, nee Flowers

MOUSSEAU, Donald, 1951-1969

MOUSSEAU, Myrtle E., 1897-1982

MUCKEL, Adolf, Apr 1, 1870-Mar 23, 1872, name on Fangmeier monument

MUCKEL, August, Sep 12, 1863-Aug 12, 1872, name on Fangmeier monument

MUEGGE, Adolph, 1830-1907

MUEGGE, Charles, 1871-1873

MUEGGE, Louis, 1873-1888

MUEGGE, Louise, 1835-____

MUEGGE, Louise, 1867-1868

MUEGGE, William, 1869-1893

MUELLER, Caroline C., 1871-1955

MUELLER, Marie, 1861-1928, mother

MUELLER, marker only

MUELLER, Rev Gustav A., 1863-1945

MUELLER, Wilhelm, 1855-1932, father

MUGELE, marker only

MUHLICH, Catherine, 1869-1943, daughter

MUHLICH, Louisa, 1833-1918, mother

MUHLICH, Philip, 1835-1914, father

MULLER, Amelia Elizabeth, Marz 6, 1863-Aug 24, 1863, tochter von John und Amelia

MULLER, Anna Elisabeth, Oct 3, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

MULLER, Charlotte Amelia, Feb 15, 1871-Mai 15, 1873, tochter von John und Amelia

MULLER, John Adam, Apr 29, 1829-Mai 14, 1876

MULLER, John George, Aug 7, 1860-Nov 24, 1875, sohn von John und Amelia

MUNDT, Charles G., 1892-1945, husband

MUNDT, Esther C., 1894-1941, wife

MURRAY, Lizzie C., 1871-1936, wife

MURRAY, Thomas J., 1862-1927, husband

MUSKULUS, Albert R., 1877-1920, son

MUSKULUS, August, 1843-1919, father

MUSKULUS, Edith H., 1885-1969

MUSKULUS, Marie, 1909-1911

MUSKULUS, Minnie, 1845-1932, mother

MUSKULUS, Oscar, 1881-1959

MUSSEN, Harry Stewart, 1885-1959

MUSSEN, Margaret Ellen, 1889-1980

MUTSCHLER, Elisabeth, 1897-1994, buried 246D-5


NACHENHARST, M. Louise, 1869-1870

NAGEL, Adam Mich., died Mai 2, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

NAGEL, Cora, 1884-1956, mother

NAGEL, Edward J., 1909-1909, son

NAGEL, Edward, 1883-1955, father

NAGEL, Henry B., Feb Feb 1, 1825-May 5, 1900, father

NAGEL, Johanna F.L., Jan 2, 1820-July 19, 1905, mother

NAGEL, John P., 1912-1922, son

NAGEL, Peter, no dates recorded

NANTKER, John G., 1850-1928, father

NANTKER, Josephine, 1857-1929, mother

NEGLEY, Elsie Geidel, 1895-1957

NEGLEY, Prescott C., Feb 8, 1888-Apr 17, 1945, PVT Co C 112th AMM TRAIN, enl. June 1, 1918, disc. Apr 12, 1919

NEGLEY, Prescott C., Jr., 1922-1933, son

NEIBAUM, J. Henry, 1801-1873, grandfather, buried with J.P. Meyer family

NEIBAUM, John R., Mar 23, 1826-Aug 13, 1893, selig sind die todten, die in den herrn sterben

NETZ, Amelia, 1885-1955, mother

NETZ, Ernest, July 12, 1913-May 23, 1985, BKR1 US Navy World War II

NETZ, Gottlieb, 1876-1918, father

NETZ, Herman G., 1916-1982, Sgt US Army World War II

NETZ, Otto E., 1915-1988, brother

NEUBAUER, August, 1846-1937, father

NEUBAUER, Ida T., 1865-1923, mother

NEUBAUER, Lorena C, 1903-1977, mother

NEUBAUER, Oscar W., no dates, father

NEUBAUER, Roberta A., no dates, mother

NEUFELD, Rachelle, 1871-1919

NEUMAN FAMILY, marker only

NEUMANN FAMILY, marker only

NEVERGOLD, Mary E., 1854-1932

NICKLAUS, Hilda J., 1896-1925, nee Will

NICKLAUS, Mary, 1887-1974

NIEBAUM, Anna K., 1859-1863

NIEBAUM, Emma K., 1865-1945

NIEBAUM, Frank A., 1866-1869

NIEBAUM, Harry J. G., 1864-1953

NIEBAUM, Herman H., 1830-1885

NIEBAUM, Johann H.C., Oct 26, 1832-June 1, 1883, Ich habe gelitten solange zeit in meine brust draengtesich leid aug leid herzensangst und athemnoth warfast stets mein taeglich ich brod num bin ich erloeset aus aller noth durch meines heil andsblut und tod

NIEBAUM, Julia Steiner, 1828-1911, wife of Herman

NIEBAUM, Laura M., Nov 22, 1867-Apr 19, 1956

NIEBAUM, Lizzie A., 1855-1897

NIEBAUM, M.S. Dorothea, died July 17, 1894, wer da saet im segen der wird auch ernten im segen

NIEBAUM, Margaret M., no dates recorded

NIEBAUM, Margaretta, no dates recorded

NIEBEL, Anna Marg., died Marz 11, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

NIEMANN, Margaretha Regina, Feb 22, 1797-Jan 30, 1882, ehefrau von John R. Niemann, der gerechten seelen sind in gottes hand und keine oual ruhret sie an

NIEMANN, Marie Engel., died Oct 15, 1859, born Apr 26, 1826, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

NIEMANN, Wilbrand H., 1825-1949

NIEMEYER, Christian F., 1857-1931, father

NIEMEYER, Laura, 1893-1925, daughter

NIEMEYER, Mary W., 1856-1910, mother

NIERSTE, Casper, 1815-1879

NIERSTE, Elizabeth, 1851-1891

NIERSTE, Johann, 1857-1863

NIKOLAUS, Elizabeth, 1802-1873, grandmother (on Conrad lot)

NOE, Katherine M., 1838-1931, mother

NORDHEIM, Christine M., 1870-1922, mother

NORDMAN, Christoph H., 1850-1903

NORDMAN, Wilhelmina C., 1855-1936

NOWARK, John Martin, 1877-1952, husband

NURNBERGER, Helen, 1823-1890, mother, same stone as O'DONNELL

NURNBERGER, Henry, 1852-1922, same stone as O'DONNELL

NURNBERGER, John, 1827-1892, father, same stone as O'DONNELL

NURNBERGER, John, Jr., 1860-1942, same stone as O'DONNELL

NURNBERGER, Katharina, 1869-1935, same stone as O'DONNELL

NUTT, James E. H., 1866-1910, son

NUTT, Wilson S., 1835-1919


O'DONNELL, Bernadine H., 1897-1982, same stone as NURNBERGER

O'DONNELL, Harry J., 1896-1953, same stone as NURNBERGER

O'DONNELL, Vesta K., 1918-1948, same stone as NURNBERGER

OEFFNER, Augusta H., 1861-1920

OEFFNER, Barbara E., 1833-1860

OEFFNER, Jennett H., 1905-1909

OEFFNER, John N., 1858-1926

OEFFNER, Lillie M., 1898-1919

OEFFNER, Tobias J., 1823-1895

OLBATER, Amilia, 1875-1969, name on TEMPLIN stone

OLEN, Adolph, died 1945

OLEN, Dorothy, died 1918

OLEN, Helen, died 1921

OLEN, William A., Jan 23, 1908-Apr 14, 1996, MM3 US Navy World War II

OTTE, J. Friedirch, 1797-1868

OTTE, M. Eliesabetha, 1800-1861

OTTO, Alma W., 1892-1895

OTTO, Carolina A., 1849-1905, mother, nee Meyer

OTTO, Emma S., 1878-1878

OTTO, Gertrude A., 1879-1897

OTTO, Ida E., 1883-1886

OTTO, Phillip, 1850-1909, father


PAPALEAM, 1853-1927

PASKE, Catherine E., died Dec 22, 1895, aged 80 years, mother

PASKE, John H., died Mar 9, 1882, aged 62 years, father

PETCHICK, Catherine, Apr 26, 1839-Sep 24, 1907

PETCHICK, Michael, Sep 27, 1838-Mar 20, 1910

PETERSON, Dorothy M., Apr 15, 1907-Feb 9, 1943, wife

PETERSON, Earl B., Nov 9, 1905-Jan 7, 1958, PA PFC AGF REPL DEPOT WWII

PETERSON, Mary N., Oct 11, 1917-Dec 23, 1993

PETRUSCH, Charlotte E., 1915-1988

PETRUSCH, George R., 1918-1998, dad

PETRUSCH, Godfrey, 1904-1960

PETRUSCH, Gustav H., 1899-1950

PETRUSCH, Viola S., 1904-1954

PFAB, Christina, 1872-1916, mother

PFAB, John, 1868-1946, father

PHILLIPS, Lisetta K., Oct 13, 1894-____, same stone as Hilda KAISER

PHILLIPS, William K., 1893-1960

PINSKE, Amelia, 1856-1920

PINSKE, August, 1860-1920

PLACKE, B. Johanna, Jan 26, 1839-Jan 19, 1921, mother

PLACKE, Frederich G., Mar 15, 1839-Jan 26, 1905, father

PLACKE, Harry A., Jan 6, 1869-Dec 28, 1897, brother

PLACKE, Jessie W., July 18, 1878-Oct 1, 1891, sister

PLANK, Conrad Friedrich, died Aug 5, 1859, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

PLETH, Johann Tobias, died Juli 17, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

PLOGSTERT, Adam H., no dates recorded

PLOGSTERT, Anna L., 1878-1887

PLOGSTERT, Annie, 1876-1942

PLOGSTERT, Ernest W., 1876-1879

PLOGSTERT, H., marker only

PLOGSTERT, Katherine M., 1854-1915, mother

PLOGSTERT, Merrill, 1926-1961

PLOGSTERT, Mildred, no dates recorded

PLOGSTERT, William, 1851-1925, father

POSKE, John D., June 25, 1856-Sep 22, 1889, my husband, loved in life, lamented in death

POSKE, Melsena H., 1858-1926, mother

POSKE, Ruth C., 1903-1961, wife

POST, Anna Mathilda, 1894-1956

POST, Carl L.C., 1891-1902

POST, Carl, 1857-1930 father

POST, Clara K., 1901-1902

POST, Elizabeth Beil, 1858-1931, mother

POWELSON, Gertrude A., 1877-1954

PREISS, Henry C., 1856-1948, father

PREISS, Katharina, 1859-1949, mother

PRIGEMEYER, monument only

PRITSCH, Walter, 1886-1908

PROBECK, George, 1883-1892, name on NICOLAUS FORSTER monument

PRUSS, Elise J., 1846-1911, mother

PRUSS, J. Henry, 1813-1869, father

PUCHTA, John, 1854-1891

PUCHTA, Johann Georg Leonhart, died Oct 11, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

PUCHTA, Katharina, no dates recorded

PUCHTA, Nicolaus, no dates recorded

PUSSWIMAEL?, Maria Elisabeth, died Marz 6, 1859, 60 years of age, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)


RABOLD marker only

RACZ, George, 1865-1938, uncle, name on Zelder stone

RAHENKAMP, Adam H., Jan 7, 1841-May 12, 1911

RAHENKAMP, Catherine C., Oct 14, 1841-Aug 2, 1926

RAHENKAMP, Frederick K., Aug 31, 1877-Aug 30, 1881, son of A & C Rahenkamp

RAHENKAMP, J.H., marker only

RAHENKAMP, Mary A., Jan 22, 1885-Mar 6, 1919

RAITH, Elsie F., 1920-1989

RAITH, Herbert C., no dates

RALPH?, ?, died Aug 2, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

RANDAZZO, Lillian, 1931-1977

RASP, Hattie, 1884-1943, name on TEMPLIN stone

RAU, Eduard, died Jan 29, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

RAU, Franz, no dates recorded

RAU, Friedericka Audy, 1840-1905, wife of Leonard

RAU, Leonard, 1837-1924

RAU, Margeretha, died Nov 9, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

RAU, Minnie K., died Feb 13, 1941

RAU, Mrs., no dates recorded

RAU, Rose C., died Jan 23, 1945

RAU, William M., died Feb 7, 1945

REAMAN, Emma H., 1880-1966, same stone as Louis THIEL

REAMAN, Ernest H., 1877-1935, same stone as Louis THIEL

REAMAN, Wallace T., 1910-1932, same stone as Louis THIEL

REAMEN, Henry C., 1845-1903, father

REAMEN, Mary F., 1849-1918, mother

REBER, Alfred A., Dec 21, 1883-Mar 26, 1923, brother

REBER, George K., Aug 29, 1838-Nov 19, 1895, father

REBER, Henry, 1833-1905, father

REBER, Margaret, 1835-1919, mother

REBER, Mary, July 6, 1844-Feb 23, 1923, mother

REBER, May 22, 1866-July 12, 1867

REBER, William, Apr 11, 1874-May 15, 1875

RECTANUS, Frank J., 1873-1921, husband

RECTANUS, Mary A., 1835-1885, mother

RECTANUS, Sadie J., 1876-1918, wife

RECTANUS, Valentine, no dates recorded

REHR, monument only

REIBER, Gertrude Seiferth, 1908-1980, mother

REISER, Alberta H., 1888-1913

REISER, Anna, 1822-1890

REISER, Emma S., 1859-1936

REISER, Flora E., 1881-1951

REISER, George, 1854-1937

REISER, Harry W., Jr., Apr 1916

REISER, John T., 1821-1880

REITZ, Elizabeth, 1887-1892

REITZ, Karl, 1840-1907, father

REITZ, Mathilda, 1841-1918, mother

RENZELMANN, Anna L., 1852-1919

RENZELMANN, F., 1861-19___

RENZELMANN, H., 1886-1886

REUTER, Anna, 1852-1920

REUTER, Frank, 1847-1898

REYNOLDS, Charles F., 1865-1928, father

REYNOLDS, Louisa G., 1863-1931, mother

RICE, Emma J., 1879-1938

RICE, Frank, 1868-1918

RICE, Gertrude Beatrice, Apr 5, 1903-Dec 16, 1904, our darling

RICHERT, Marie Elisabeth, died Apr 8, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

RIEFENARH, Hilda M., 1890-1892

RIEMANN, Elmer E., 1896-1956, dad

RIEMANN, Frieda Mill, 1904-1951, wife

RIEMANN, Helen Edge, 1891-1937, sister

RIEMANN, Herman, 1862-1910, father

RIEMANN, J., no dates recorded

RIEMANN, M., no dates recorded

RIEMANN, Mary E., 1869-1942, mother

RIESMEYER, A.M. Charlotte, 1840-1904, wife of August

RIESMEYER, Alice C., 1895-1958

RIESMEYER, August H., 1842-1902

RIESMEYER, August H., 1871-1907, brother

RIESMEYER, Catherine M., May 23, 1811-Jan 11, 1901, mother

RIESMEYER, Dorothea M., 1838-1904, mother

RIESMEYER, Eleanor M., 1904-1980

RIESMEYER, Emma C., 1866-1936

RIESMEYER, Florence M., 1897-1957

RIESMEYER, Friedrich, Feb 11, 1838-Aug 22, 1894, vater

RIESMEYER, Henry W., 1835-1906, father

RIESMEYER, Herman H., 1866-1908, brother

RIESMEYER, John F., Mar 30, 1810-Dec 14, 1896, father

RIESMEYER, John R., 1868-1950

RIESMEYER, Katharina, Aug 29, 1838-Feb 17, 1899, mutter

RIESMEYER, Louise K., 1853-1947, mother

RIESMEYER, marker only

RIETHMILLER, Cathrine, 1832-1908, mother

RIETHMILLER, Elizabeth, 1870-1929, wife

RIETHMILLER, Ernest, 1823-1907, father

RIETHMILLER, John, 1869-1944, husband

RINGELHOLTZ, Annie W., 1891-1892, daugher

RINGELHOLTZ, Elizabeth H., 1898-1899, daughter

RINGELHOLTZ, Susanna, 1873-1952, mother

RINGELHOLTZ. Henry, 1862-1935, father

RIPPER, John, 1843-1880

ROBINSON, Earl A., Dec 3, 1922-Aug 26, 1986, CPL US Marine Corps World War II

ROBITZER, Emma M., 1879-1961, mother

ROBITZER, Jacob P., 1881-1938, father

RODERUS, Adolph Friederich, no dates recorded

RODERUS, Adolph, no dates recorded

RODERUS, Catharina, no dates recorded

RODERUS, Charles, 1860-1916

RODERUS, Conrad, no dates recorded

RODERUS, Conrad, no dates recorded

RODERUS, Elizabeth, no dates recorded

RODERUS, Wilhelm Friederich, no dates recorded

ROEGER, Charlie M., Feb 23, 1878-May 18, 1889

ROEGER, Edward A., Feb 9, 1883, Oct 7, 1921

ROEGER, Eva Katherina, Marz 27, 1820-Juni 28, 1895

ROEGER, George G., June 16, 1870-Mar 9, 1916

ROEGER, George P., July 15, 1843-Feb 22, 1909, father

ROEGER, Harry N., Sep 24, 1887-June 5, 1923, PVT Arsenal Co 1, enlisted June 28, 1918, discharged May 29, 1919

ROEGER, Johann L., Juli 20, 1831-Feb 5, 1894

ROEGER, Margaret A., Oct 10, 1846-Dec 17, 1904, mother

ROEGGE, Edna R., Feb 21, 1895, sister

ROEGGE, Harry N., 1890-1912, son (of John and Mathilda)

ROEGGE, Irene S., June 19, 1893-June 6, 1952, sister

ROEGGE, John H., May 5, 1865-June 5, 1947, father

ROEGGE, Louise Dorothea, died Juli 17, 1859, 2 years 1 month 8 days, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

ROEGGE, Marie M., May 25, 1900-Oct 29, 1955, sister

ROEGGE, Mathilda R., Oct 7, 1867-July 20, 1949, mother

ROEHREN, Hilda R.L., 1894-1898

ROEHREN, Louisa F., 1835-1908

ROEHREN, Louisa W., 1868-1918

ROEHREN, Magdelena, 1861-1950

ROEHREN, Wilhelm, 1835-1912

ROEHREN, William E., 1866-1930

ROEPER, C. William, 1879-1949

ROEPER, Edith M., 1911-1913

ROEPER, Elton W., 1915-1934

ROEPER, Friederich, no dates recorded

ROEPER, Louisa K., 1877-1951

ROEPER, Rev. W. Carl, 1884-1934, father

ROEPER, Wilhelmina G., 1857-1937, mother

ROEPER, William H., 1854-1919, father

ROESSLER, Howard O., Jan 11, 1885-May 29, 1966, Sgt Major JC CA US Army, enlisted Jan 13, 1917, discharged June 4, 1920

ROGGE, Herman H., 1830-1884, grandfather

ROGGE, Sophie, 1832-1914, grandmother

ROHE, Amelia E., 1877-1883

ROHE, Balthaser, 1812-1891

ROHE, Bertha, 1843-1845

ROHE, Eduard D., 1857-1858

ROHE, Eduard, 1859-1877

ROHE, Emilia, 1840

ROHE, Euphrosina, 1815-1876

ROHE, Euphrosina, 1854

ROHE, Margaretha, 1855-1857

ROHE, Michael, 1911

ROHE, Rosina, 1854

ROHE, Wilhelmina, 1839-1849

ROHR, Anna Louise, died Sep 1, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

ROHREN, Fridricka, no dates recorded

ROHREN, Unknown, no dates recorded

ROLLINS, Walter E., Jan 3, 1915-Jan 12, 1982, PFC US Army World War II

ROLLINS, Z.W., marker only

ROMOSER, Catherine E., no dates recorded

RORHEINE?, Turgen Heinrich, died Jan 9, 1859, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

ROSE, Eliza, 1850-1939

ROSE, James N., 1847-1940

ROSEMEYER, Ernest H., 1834-1913, father

ROSEMEYER, Louise J.H., 1859-1930

ROSEMEYER, Marie E., 1835-1907, mother

ROSENFELTER, George, no dates recorded

ROSENFELTER, Magdelene, no dates recorded

ROSS, Mary Lepper, 1863-928, name on HERRMANN stone

ROTH, Corp. L.J., June 4, 1888, died in US Service Oct 10, 1918

ROTH, Frederick, 1865-1928, father

ROTH, Margaret, no dates recorded

ROTH, Maria, 1869-1941, mother

RUPP, M., 3/26/38, (unmarked), moved in 1972, lot-119-B-5 or 120-A-1-thru-5, (Source: Dick Smith,

RUST, Elizabeth, no dates recorded

RUST, Elizabeth, no dates recorded

RUST, Friedrich, no dates recorded

RUST, George, no dates recorded

RUST, Louis, no dates recorded

RUST, Maria, no dates recorded

RUST, marker only

RUST, Michael J., 1871

RUST, Regina, no dates recorded

RUST, Will, no dates recorded

RYAN, George T., Apr 18, 1857-Jan 2, 1925, father


SALING, marker only

SALSKI, Anton, 1851-1916, father

SALSKI, Emil, 1886-1945

SALSKI, Fredricka, 1851-1924, mother

SAUER, Amalie, died Oct 1, 1859, born June 11, 1958, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

SAWART, Catherine, 1842-1897, mother

SAWART, Clara, 1866-1906

SAWART, Elizabeth, 1850-1907, mother

SAWART, Frank W., 1838-1917, father

SAWART, Frederick A., 1846-1907, father

SAWART, George Albert, Apr 27, 1887-Aaug 21, 1957, Apprentice Seaman US Navy, enlisted June 24, 1918, discharged Sep 30, 1921

SAWART, Lillie, 1868-1892, sister

SAWERT, Anna Maria Aufderheide, Jan 6, 1819-Aug 9, 1900, mother, buried on J. AUFDERHEIDE lot

SAWERT, Anna N., 1810-1864

SAWERT, John H., 1809-1887

SCHAAR, Irene E., 1884-1927, wife

SCHACHNER, Katharine, no dates

SCHACHNER, Konrad, Nov 13, 1929-Apr 10, 1989, father, von ewigkeit zu ewigkeit, married July 14, 1956

SCHAEFFER, Emma B., 1849-1911, mother, wife of I.N. Schaeffer

SCHAEFFER, Ralph D., 1874-1912, son

SCHAFER, Frederick, 1859-1925

SCHAFER, Mary E., 1880-1927, wife, same stone as Harry Mainey

SCHANBUTH?, Edwin, died Aug 7, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

SCHELAT, Albert, no dates recorded

SCHELAT, Arnold, no dates recorded

SCHELAT, Ethel, no dates recorded

SCHELAT, F. W. Family, marker, no individual names

SCHELAT, Fred, no dates recorded

SCHELAT, Herman W., 1901-1928, husband

SCHELAT, Mary, no dates recorded

SCHELLHAAS, Anna Katherine, 1884-1905, daughter (of Jacob and Sophie)

SCHELLHAAS, Bertha Edna, 1888-1974, daughter (of Jacob and Sophie)

SCHELLHAAS, Frederich, 1840-1913, father

SCHELLHAAS, George, Nov 7, 1829-Oct 1, 1893, father

SCHELLHAAS, Isabella, 1883-1885, daughter (of Jacob and Sophie)

SCHELLHAAS, Jacob Frederick, 1858-1940, father

SCHELLHAAS, Kath., Nov 23, 1831-May 28, 1903, mother

SCHELLHAAS, Nancy, 1843-1909, mother

SCHELLHAAS, Sophie Dorothea, 1861-1941, mother

SCHERMANN, Caroline, Dec 23, 1841-Mar 31, 1918

SCHERMANN, Frank, Dec 6, 1865-Apr 25, 1867

SCHERMANN, Henry W., July 25, 1835-Jan 8, 1896

SCHEWE, Anna K.J., Dec 13, 1801-Feb 15, 1879, grandmother

SCHEWE, August Henry, Sr., Mar 13, 1828-Dec 26, 1891, father

SCHEWE, Caroline K., July 18,1878-July 11, 1879

SCHEWE, Florence W., Oct 14, 1884-Sep 6, 1885

SCHEWE, Fredericka, Sep 20, 1828-Oct 11, 1911, mother

SCHEWE, Herman H., Feb 1, 1867-Feb 21, 1868

SCHEWE, John H., Apr 28, 1859-Oct 12, 1860

SCHEWE, Karl H., July 20, 1861-Oct 20, 1861

SCHEWE, Kath. Eliza Voskamp, Mar 22, 1855-July 8, 1916, wife of August Henry, Jr., mother

SCHEWE, Margaretha K., Aug 18, 1856-Aug 19, 1862

SCHEWE, Maria K., Aug 22, 1864-Nov 14, 1867

SCHIESS, Louis T., 1868-1935, father

SCHINDLER, Elizabeth, 1852-1916, mother

SCHINDLER, John, 1849-1910, father

SCHLEGEL, Fred, died 1877

SCHLEGEL, Peter, 1833-1908

SCHLIDAM, Anna, no dates recorded

SCHMID, G. Edward, 1880-1914, father

SCHMIDT, Anna, no dates recorded

SCHMIDT, Elisabetha, died Nov 18, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

SCHMIDT, Francis, no dates recorded

SCHMIDT, George, no dates recorded

SCHMIDT, Heinrich, died Juni 21, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

SCHMIDT, John G.W., Dec 13, 1871-Oct 21, 1875

SCHMIDT, Konrad, no dates recorded

SCHMIDT, Ludwig, Jan 26, 1818-July 10, 1898, vater

SCHMIDT, Marg. E., Dec 19, 1829-Jan 14, 1902, mutter

SCHMITT, P., marker only

SCHMIDT, Wilhelmine, died Jan 11, 1859, born Mar 28, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

SCHNEIDER, Carrie M., 1883-1951, daughter

SCHNEIDER, Harry E., 1890-1974

SCHNEIDER, Ida M., 1888-1980

SCHNEIDER, John Frederick, 1854-1916, father

SCHNEIDER, Mary Louise, 1864-1937, mother

SCHNIER, Anna, 1834-1910, mother

SCHNIER, Wilhelm, 1836-1882, father

SCHNIER, Wilhelm, 1875-1903, brother

SCHOENECK, Amelia H., 1870-1952, mother

SCHOENECK, Dorothea Emilie, no dates recorded

SCHOENECK, no first name, no dates recorded

SCHOENECK, Philip C., 1862-1955, father

SCHOETTLER, Mary C., 1869-1919

SCHRECKER, Johann C., 1810-1870

SCHREIER, Adam G., 1904-1989, husband

SCHREIER, Frieda G., no dates, wife

SCHRODER, Karolina M., no dates recorded

SCHRODER, Marie A., Feb 2, 1832-Mar 20, 1895

SCHROEDER, Edward Milton, June 14, 1893-Jan 23, 1963, PVT Co D 212th engrs, enl. July 31, 1918, disc. Jan 31, 1919

SCHROEDER, L. Lisette, no dates recorded

SCHROEDER, Martin C., Apr 19,1887-June 9, 1966

SCHUELER, Frederick G., 1875-1954

SCHUELER, Hilda P., 1877-1957

SCHULTZ, Helen, no dates recorded, name on Schelat stone

SCHULTZ, Kristina, 1861-1941, grandmother

SCHULZE, Adolph J., Jan 17, 1874-Apr 4, 1954, Sgt CO G 18th PA Vol Inf, enlisted Apr 27, 1898, discharged Oct 27, 1898

SCHULZE, monument only

SCHUMPE, Herman H., Nov 14, 1821-Marz 14, 1889

SCHUMPE, Maria E., 1822-1904

SCHUSTER, C. Fred, 1877-1938, son

SCHUSTER, F. W., 1849-1916, father

SCHUSTER, Harry W., 1883-1918, son

SCHUSTER, Marie P., 1857-1944,mother

SCHWADRON, Anna B., 1885-1954

SCHWADRON, Edward W., 1906-1992

SCHWADRON, Ferdinand, 1843-1922, father

SCHWADRON, Herman H., 1881-1968

SCHWADRON, M. Katherine, 1908-1998

SCHWADRON, Theresa, 1843-1929, mother

SCHWARTZ, Anna M., no dates recorded

SCHWARTZ, Caroline, 1857-1931, mother

SCHWARTZ, Christina, 1859-1943, mother

SCHWARTZ, Clarence W., 1891-1917, son

SCHWARTZ, Daniel, no dates recorded

SCHWARTZ, F. W., 1854-1924, father

SCHWARTZ, Florence, 1892-1892

SCHWARTZ, Frank N., 1885-1924

SCHWARTZ, Frank, 1882-1882

SCHWARTZ, G. Ross, 1913-1958, husband and father

SCHWARTZ, Georg, died Oct 8, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

SCHWARTZ, George A., 1885-1954, husband

SCHWARTZ, Harriett B., 1916-1989, wife and mother

SCHWARTZ, John P., 1828-1913, father

SCHWARTZ, Margeretta, 1825-1897, mother

SCHWARTZ, Mary A., 1886-1913, wife

SCHWARTZ, Nickolaus, Jr., 1857-1928, father

SCHWARTZ, Nickolaus, July 9, 1822-June 4, 1906, father

SCHWARTZ, Rosina, Feb 26, 1823-May 15, 1906, mother

SCHWARTZ, William, 1886-1889

SCHWARZ, Anna M., 1902-1995, mother

SCHWARZ, Rudolph W., 1900-1953, father

SCHWARZ, Sophia E., Oct 7, 1881-Apr 26, 1903, nee Will

SCHWEIKART, B. Esther, July 28, 1897-Jan 17, 1945, wife

SCHWEIKART, David, Nov 27, 1933-Feb 3, 1991, Dad

SCHWEIKART, Gustav E., Nov 9, 1889-Dec 6, 1974, husband

SCHWEITZER, Bernhardine, died Sep 2, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

SCHWEITZER, E. Margaret, 1850-1916, mother

SCHWEITZER, Ethel M.A., Dec 5, 1907-Feb 3, 1910

SCHWEITZER, George A., 1880-1925, brother

SCHWEITZER, John C., 1843-1905, father

SCHWEITZER, Katherine N., 1885-1902, daughter

SCHWENKER, C. Henry, 1850-1927

SCHWENKER, M. Sophie, 1857-1924

SEIFERT, Elizabeth, 1865-1944, mother

SEIFERT, Feronika, 1838-1912

SEIFERT, George E., 1856-1930, father

SEIFERT, George, July 17, 1895-Mar 3, 1963, Pvt Co K 320th Inf, enlisted Oct 4, 1917, discharged June 8, 1919

SEIFERT, William, Sep 1, 1893-Aug 10, 1958, Pvt 4th BN 153RD.DB, enlisted Aug 28, 1918, discharged Nov 15, 1918

SEIFERTH, Lydia Brand, 1883-1956

SEIFRIED, Albert, 1862-1895, name on MUEGGE stone

SEIFRIED, Amelia, 1859-1905, name on MUEGGE stone

SEIFRIED, August, 1860-1905, name on MUEGGE stone

SEIFRIED, Theodore, 1864-1899, name on MUEGGE stone

SEWELL, Joseph Herman, 1889-1982

SEWELL, Viola Jeannette Washington, 1902-1983

SHAFER, Clyde C., July 17, 1887-Dec 13, 1934, Corp School Troops Cent Officers TR Camp, Enl. June 25, 1918, Disc. Feb 21, 1919

SHERMANN, marker only

SHIRLEY, Flora Olen, 1897-1995, buried on Olen lot

SHOEMAKER, Katherine, 1860-1927, mother

SHOEMAKER, William, 1857-1908, father

SIEBERT, Caroline L., 1880-1982

SIEBERT, Caroline, 1873-1949

SIEBERT, Caroline, Oct 12, 1842-Feb 20, 1882, mother

SIEBERT, Charles W., Dec 19, 1872-Dec 9, 1877

SIEBERT, Frederick, Aug 8, 1841-Oct 26, 1909, father

SIEBERT, Ida M., 1875-1961

SIEBERT, T. Walter, 1872-1958

SIEBERT, William H., Oct 16, 1868-May 15, 1870

SIEFERT, Fred, 1907-1948, father

SIEMON, Adalia E., 1878-1937

SIEMON, Adam, 1841-1910

SIEMON, Barbara E., 1866

SIEMON, Bessie, no dates

SIEMON, Eliza C., 1835-1905

SIEMON, Heinrich, 1867

SIEMON, J. Henry, 1845-1922, father

SIEMON, Kunigunda, 1906

SIEMON, Lois N., 1847-1936, mother

SIEMON, Margaretha, 1853

SIEMON, Marie D., 1854

SIEMON, Wilhelm T., 1863

SIEMON, William, no dates

SIGRIST, Emma E., 1869-1903, mother

SIGRIST, Mary A., 1892-1987, granddaughter

SIGRIST, William F., 1890-1956, son

SIMMERS, Carolina C., Sep 26, 1886-Mar 2, 1982, mother, "Carrie" nee Otto, Joy she gave and joy she had

SIMON, Jennie, 1909-1936, My heart trusted in Him and I am helped

SINKO, Ann, 1913-1945, mother

SIPPEL, Amelia M., 1878-1963

SIPPEL, Annie L., 1869-1950

SIPPEL, Chas. S., 1872-1902

SIPPEL, Christina, 1849-1916

SIPPEL, Edith A., 1903-2000

SIPPEL, Fred G., 1879-1910

SIPPEL, John C., 1869-1938

SIPPEL, John O., 1841-1921

SIPPEL, Wilbert C., 1895-1977

SIPPEL, William P.L., 1875-1918

SITZ, Bertha M., 1887-1983

SITZ, Charles E., no dates

SITZ, Charles J., 1886-1972

SITZ, Helen M., 1912-1989

SKILKA, Henrietta DITTMAR, 1840-____, same stone as John Nick. DITTMAR

SMALSTIC, Russell, 1914-1975

SMITH, Adolph, 8/17/1885, (unmarked), moved in 1972, lot-119-B-5 or 120-A-1-thru-5, (Source: Dick Smith,

SMITH, Caroline G., 1852-1922, mother

SMITH, Friedericke, Apr 13, 1817-Feb 9, 1892

SMITH, George W., 1845-1931, father

SMITH, George W., 1877-1931, son (of George and Caroline)

SMITH, Henry, 1843-1917, father

SMITH, John A., Oct 14, 1812-Oct 2, 1881

SMITH, Katherine Tice, Jan 31, 1906-2000, wife

SMITH, Lillian, 8/13/62, (unmarked), moved in 1972, lot-119-B-5 or 120-A-1-thru-5, (Source: Dick Smith,

SMITH, Louis, 1852-1907, father

SMITH, Mabel, 1866-1952

SMITH, Mary K., 1850-1918, mother

SMITH, Mary Kinzler, no dates recorded, name on Valentine Kinzler stone

SMITH, Raymond Joseph, July 4, 906-Oct 28, 1957, husband

SMITH, Robert Albert, 1869 - 3/3/43, father, moved in 1972, lot-119-B-5 or 120-A-1-thru-5, (Source: Dick Smith,

SMITH, William Ray, 1864-1943

SOELLNER, Christina, 1870-1931, daughter

SOELLNER, Eliesabeth, 1840-1924, mother

SOELLNER, Henrietta, 1879-1967, daughter

SOELLNER, J. Christian, 1831-1915, father

SOELLNER, Sabina, 1866-1942, daughter

SOELLNER, Yetta, 1874-1956, daughter

SOOST, Lisette P., 1852-1918, mother

SOOST, Louise M., 1852-1878

SOOST, Mary E., 1873-1904

SOOST, Rudolph H., 1840-1927, father

SOUTHERS, Frank H., 1885-1913, Angerona 289 IOOF, Herron Hill Castle 211 AOK of MC

SPEAKER, Catharine, Feb 3, 1830-May 30, 1903, mother

SPEAKER, Charles W., 1864-1867

SPEAKER, Katie, 1868-1874

SPEAKER, S.H., Sep 19, 1818-May 14, 1889, father

SPEISER, Wanda M., 1923-1997, same stone Freda Mancini and Thelma Bloom

SPIEKER, Emma E., 1879-1942, mother

SPIEKER, Henry H., 1877-1930, father

SPIEKER, John F., 1914-1916, our son

SPIEKER, Martha Adelaide, 1917-1941, daughter

SPILKER, Edward F., 1888-1928

SPILKER, Elmer C., 1885-1914, our son

SPILKER, Emil, 1879-1880, brother

SPILKER, Gottlieb, 1847-1920, father

SPILKER, Henry A., 1874-1936

SPILKER, Karl, 1876-1977, brother

SPILKER, Margaretha, 1848-1874

SPILKER, Mary S., 1850-1910, mother

SPREEN, C.L., no dates recorded

SPREEN, C.M., no dates recorded

STADELMANN, marker only

STADTLANDER, Marie, no dates recorded

STALKER, Elvira, 1902-1978, mother

STANGE, Katherine Wunder, no dates recorded

STAUDT, Katharina K., 1830-1868

STEIGLEDER, Catherine, Oct 25, 1836-Apr 9, 1911, our mother

STEIGLEDER, Christopher, Dec 30, 1812-Dec 18, 1881, our father

STEIGLEDER, Gustave W., Jan 30, 1869-June 19, 1917, my husband

STEIGLEDER, Mathilda, June 22, 1865-Nov 6, 1895, our sister

STEIGLEDER, R.C., 1861-1962, our brother

STEIGLEDER, Robert C., 1859-1861, our brother

STEIGLEDER, Rudolph C., June 10, 1857-Oct 21, 1871, our brother

STEIGLEDER,R.H., Dec 10, 1843-Aug 30, 1888

STEINBRINK, George F., 1875-1937

STEINBRINK, Harry H., 1879-1918

STEINBRINK, monument only

STEINBRINK, Ruth W., 1900-1995

STEINBRINK, Wilhelmina C., 1837-1921

STEMMERICH, Louisa R., July 4, 1909-Sep 20, 1985, mother, buried A-49B-4

STEMMERICH, Victor P., July 18, 1905-Aug 3, 1995, father, buried A-49B-3

STEMMERICH, Victor William, Nov 7, 1926-Sep 17, 1932, our sonny

STEPHENS, Clifford L., 1900-1945

STEPHENS, Howard E., 1901-1929

STEPHENS, William J., 1874-1949, father

STICHT, Elizabeth, 1850-1930, mother

STICKRATH, Henry, 1844-1916, father

STILLE, Aunt Kate, 1860-1943

STILLE, Marie, died Jan 24, 1859, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

STILLE, Uncle Fred, 1857-1925

STIPPICH, Anna M., no dates recorded

STIPPICH, Martin, no dates recorded

STIX, Ann Kunigunda, 1819-1875, mother

STIX, John Konradt, 1852, 1853, son

STIX, John Michael, 1859-1862, son

STIX, Lorenz, 1820-1896, father

STOEHR, Amelia, 1863-1887

STOKER, Catherine, 1830-1912, name on GERNERT stone

STOLLE, Anna RIESMEYER, Dec 6, 1877-Mar 3, 1946, buried on RIESMEYER lot

STORF, Augusta, 1858-1917, mother

STREINER, Catharine, 1840-1929

STREINER, Frederick, 1867-1923

STREINER, Gottlieb, 1839-1891

STRUEVE, Elizabeth T., Apr 30, 1878-Mar 15, 1937, mother

STRUEVE, Herman H., Dec 19, 1873-Mar 5, 1953, father

STUCKRATH, Dorothea, 1848-1929, mother

STUDT, Harry W., Jr., Aug 23, 1907-Nov 4, 1914

STUDT, Herman H., 1855-1925

STUDT, Regina Thier, Mar 4, 1850-Apr 22, 1901, mother

STUMPF, John M., 1833-1909, father

STUMPF, Margaret B., 1840-1925, mother

STURM, Friedolin, 1849-1893

STURM, marker only

STUTZMAN, Elizabeth, 1865-1930

STUTZMAN, George, 1861-1918

SUCCOP, B.H., Oct 1, 1812-Jan 21, 1899

SUCCOP, Cath.M., Apr 16, 1822-Sep 28, 1888, wir glauben. durch die gnade des nerrn jesu christi selig zu werden

SUCCOP, Ernest A., 1892-1966

SUCCOP, Frank R., Nov 2, 1850-Dec 3, 1899

SUCCOP, Henry E.C., Feb 28, 1882-Apr 10, 1960, father

SUCCOP, Hermann H., Aug 29, 1801-Oct 14, 1876

SUCCOP, Johanna E., Juli 29, 1792-Sep 24, 1877

SUCCOP, Johanna E., May 18, 1859-May 24, 1934, aunt

SUCCOP, John Henry, Apr 14, 1835-June 11, 1869

SUCCOP, John Henry, died May 15,1886, in his 66 year

SUCCOP, Julia K., 1883-1970

SUCCOP, Julia K., July 20, 1857-Nov 5, 1910, mother

SUCCOP, Julia P., Mar 7, 1885-Mar 7, 1911, mother

SUCCOP, Marie Eleonore, 1819-1911

SUCCOP, Marie FLATH, Aug 21, 1892-May 2, 1976, mother

SUCCOP, Marie J., 1889-1967

SUCCOP, Martha E., 1890-1958

SUCCOP, Mary A., Nov 18, 1856-Dec 16, 1929

SUCCOP, Mary E., Feb 11, 1857-Sep 9, 1927, aunt

SUCCOP, W.R., Aug 3, 1854-June 18, 1931, father

SUNDERMAN, Emilie, 1867-19__

SUNDERMAN, J. Henry, 1858-1940

SUNDERMAN, John H., 1820-1903

SUNDERMAN, Margaret E., 1821-1871, nee Kruewel

SUNDERMAN, William, Mar 23, 1842-Nov 20, 1929, Pvt Co H 100th PA Vol Inf, enlisted Jan 21, 1865, discharged July 24, 1865

SWAILES, Anne E., 1839-1932

SWAILES, John D., 1859-1922

SWAILES, Lucy A., 1863-1937

SWOPE, Anna M., 1902-1976, mother

SWOPE, Charles V., Aug 19, 1875-Sep 5, 1916, father

SWOPE, Florence Marie, Feb 26, 1900-Apr 11, 1907

SWOPE, John W., 1902-1985, father

SWOPE, Julia Mildred, born and died Feb 24, 1925

SWOPE, Margaretha B., Mar 2, 1876-July 26, 1941


TARR, Jean E., 1935-1938, daughter

TEMPLIN, Christine, 1842-1913

TEMPLIN, Emily, 1888-1953

TEMPLIN, Gustav, 1882-1951

TEMPLIN, John, 1843-1907

THEISS, James R., Apr 9, 1889-Oct 25, 1937, MS Elec 416th TG BN US Army, enlisted Dec 3, 1917, discharged Aug 28, 1919

THEMAN, Emma D., 1860-1943

THEMANN, Dorothea S., 1824-1887

THEMANN, Franz H., 1813-1903

THIEL, Caroline R., 1885-1960, same stone as REAMAN

THIEL, Caroline, 1842-1918, same stone as REAMAN

THIEL, Dora B., 1870-1964

THIEL, Frank H., 1869-1937

THIEL, Louis H., 1845-1888, same stone as REAMAN

THIEMECKE, Albert G., 1864-1941, father

THIEMECKE, Eliza M., 1869-1936, mother

THIER, Charley C., Nov 24, 1868-Nov 26, 1891, brother

THIER, Christiana EDELMANN, Marz 18, 1845-Nov 27, 1888, frau of Johann Thier, Our mother, Here lies one who in this life was a kind mother, a true wife, she was by many virtues blest and piety among the best. Weep not for me husband and children dear. I am not dead but sleeping here. As I am now so you will be. Prepare for death and follow me.

THIER, Johann, Mai 17, 1844-_____

THIER, Rosa, Dec 31, 1873-Apr 5, 1896, sister

THOBNERIN?, Anna Margarethe, died Dez 27, 1858, born May 5, 1802, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

THOERNER, Herman H., 1833-1908, father

THOERNER, J.H., Nov 9, 1827-Jan 22, 1889, father

THOERNER, Maria L., 1838-1879, mother

THOERNER, Minnie C., 1860-1920

THOERNER, W.C., Aug 4, 1828-Dec 7, 1896, mother

THOMA, Christina, 1852-1904

THOMA, Jacob, 1847-1925

THOMAS, George J., Aug 6, 1915-Dec 17, 1953, Tec 3 416th Ord Med Maint Co AUS, enlisted Feb 19, 1945, discharged June 12, 1946

THOMPSON, Alexander, 1862-1950

THOMPSON, Elisabeth, 1870-1960

TICE, Andrew, Dec 29, 1871-Nov 10, 1959, brother

TICE, Andrew, Nov 27, 1894-July 25, 1955, Pvt BTRY D 109th FA 28th Div, World War I

TICE, Caroline, 1869-1924, mother, nee Zaehringer

TICE, Christina M., Sep 13, 1836-June 16, 1910, mother

TICE, George, Sep 8, 1901-Aug 29, 1971

TICE, Henry, 1874-1903, our brother

TICE, Henry, June 21, 1896-Feb 1, 1976

TICE, John, Nov 4, 1869-Jan 3, 1956, father

TICE, Katherine, 1878-1956, our sister

TICE, M.K., 1878-1902, nee Schittler

TINNEMEYER, Amelia E., 1871-1892, daughter

TITTERINGTON, Anna Martha, no dates recorded

TRAUTVETTER, John R., 1873-1943, father

TRAUTVETTER, Valetin, no dates recorded

TREMBLY, Eva C., 1900-1901

TREUSCH, George, no dates recorded

TROUP, Laura PEIFER, 1876-1939

TURGEN, Regina Elise, died Juli 12, 1859, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)


UHLMAN, Magdalena, 1842-1920, mother

UHLMAN, Martin, 1840-1893, father

UHLMANN, Albert, no dates recorded

UHLMANN, Albrecht, 1828-1883, mother

UHLMANN, Christina, 1830-1882, father

UHLMANN, Edward, 1867-1906

UHLMANN, Frederick, 1856-1922

ULRICH, Carrie ROSEMEYER, 1881-1962

ULRICH, Conrad, 1884-1976

ULRICH, Heinrich, 1885-1888


VAN SICKLE, Margaret, 1866-1952, mother

VELTE, Sibilla B., 1806-1878

VENTKER, Eliz C.M., Oct 2, 1889-Juli 16, 1906

VENTKER, Frederick W., Sep 7, 1853-Dez 31, 1912, father

VENTKER, Sophia M., Sep 24, 1859-Dez 10, 1945

VERNON, Katherine M., 1875-1961, mother

VOELKER, Charles G., 1898-1948, father

VOLKER, August, no dates recorded

VOLLAND, Elisa, no dates recorded

VOLLMER, Frederick, 1864-1948, father

VOLLMER, Minnie C., 1865-1949, mother

VOLZ, Esther D., no dates

VOLZ, Fred J., Jan 19, 1918-May 12, 1944, CPL CO A 337th Inf 85th Div, enlisted May 14, 1942, killed in action May 12, 1944

VOLZ, Philip, F., 1903-1976

VOSKAMP, Amelia Charlotte, 1864-1910, daughter

VOSKAMP, Anna Marie, 1835-1912, mother

VOSKAMP, August H., Sep 3, 1869-Apr 24, 1929

VOSKAMP, Baby, no dates recorded

VOSKAMP, Balthaser H., 1827-1899, father

VOSKAMP, Balthaser H., Aug 4, 1897-Nov 27, 1941, father

VOSKAMP, Catharina E. BUDDEMYER, 1825-1868, mother

VOSKAMP, Christine Wilhelmina, died Juli 12, 1859, born Apr 23, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

VOSKAMP, Elsa Maria, no dates recorded

VOSKAMP, Irene M., Dec 1, 1890-Aug 26, 1978, Women's Overseas Service League emblem

VOSKAMP, Johann Heinrich, no dates recorded

VOSKAMP, John Rudolph, 1824-1910, father

VOSKAMP, Kathryn, no dates recorded

VOSKAMP, Lillian B., Oct 19, 1885-June 16, 1887

VOSKAMP, Louise Boos, Oct 16, 1860-Sep 22, 1938, mother

VOSKAMP, Maria E. Wittop, 1846-1877, mother

VOSKAMP, Robert Boos, Aug 29, 1901-Mar 28, 1932, son

VOSKAMP, William H., June 16, 1859-May 7, 1927, father

VOSKAMP, William H.J., June 26, 1883-Aug 9, 1889, Willie


WACHENFELD, Mary, 1823-1902

WACHENFELD, William, 1823-1902

WAGENER, Dora E., Sep 10, 1827-June 4, 1903, aged 75 years, 8 months, 24 days, wife of Christian

WAGENER, Elise, died Juli 26, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

WAGENER, marker only

WAGENER, Phillip, no dates recorded

WAGNER, Anna J., June 27, 1914-Nov 13, 1998, mother, married Oct 11, 1958

WAGNER, Cyril M., Aug 29, 1911-Dec 27, 1996, father, married Oct 11, 1958

WAGNER, Fred, 11/28/'04, (unmarked), moved in 1972, lot-119-B-5 or 120-A-1-thru-5, (Source: Dick Smith,

WAGNER, Laura H., 1856-1936, same stone as Mary J. Hughes

WAGNER, Maria, Apr 17, 1860-June 20, 1906

WAGNER, marker only

WAGNER, Richard (infant), 12/28/05, (unmarked), moved in 1972, lot-119-B-5 or 120-A-1-thru-5, (Source: Dick Smith,

WALKER, Andrew M., no dates

WALKER, Anna H., 1903-1981

WALKER, Bertha C., 1884-1924, nee Kreimeier

WALKER, Louise C., 1813-1882

WALKER, Lydia Jane, 1919-1925

WALLACE, A.W., 1851-1912

WALTENBAUGH, Edna F., 1885-1934, daughter, same stone as Anna FORTLAGE

WALTHER, Amelia, July 25, 1869-Feb 5, 1924, mother

WALTHER, Charles, Apr 18, 1868-Jan 31, 1938, father

WALTHER, Theodore E., 1898-1960, brother

WALTHER, William F., 1906-1972, son

WALTON, William H., June 29, 1890-Jan 27, 1953, PFC 8th Trans Corps, enlisted Feb 23, 1918, discharged Aug 28, 1919

WALZER, Carl A., 1897-1918

WALZER, Charles H., no dates recorded

WALZER, Emma, Dec 7, 1892-Feb 16, 1980, wife

WALZER, Frank A., Aug 17, 1890-Aug 17, 1963, husband

WALZER, Franz L., Mar 10, 1869-Feb 3, 1895

WAMHOFF, Elizabeth C., 1839-1916

WAMHOFF, Emma, 1873-1961

WAMHOFF, George, Sr., 1827-1915

WAMHOFF, Harry, 1869-1929

WAMHOFF, J. Henry, 1842-1871, father

WAMHOFF, Johann David, no dates recorded


WAMHOFF, Maria Elise, no dates recorded

WAMHOFF, Maria Regine, no dates recorded

WAMHOFF, Wilhelmina, no dates recorded

WAMLSGAUER, Otto, no dates recorded

WAMLSGAUER, Paul, no dates recorded

WEBER, Catherine SEIFERT, Mar 29, 1860-Feb 2, 1939, mother

WEBER, George F., 1896-1918, son (of Herman and Catherine)

WEBER, Herman F., Nov 2, 1855-_____, father

WEDDELL, Robert F., Jr., died Feb 7, 1920, husband

WEDEWARD, Chas., 1869-1902

WEGE, Barbara K., 1852-1894 (buried on KALTENHAEUSSER lot)

WEHMEYER, Harm, 1850-1909, father

WEHMEYER, Regina, 1850-1902, mother

WEIS, Fred, 1884-1929, father

WEIS, Hilda, 1892-1956, mother

WEISS, Kurt Fried., died Sep 9, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

WENEIER, Frederich, no dates recorded

WERNKE, J. F., July 13, 1822-Nov 14, 1888

WERNKE, Johann F., Feb 26, 1852-Sep 17, 1854

WERNKE, Johann H., June 21, 1848-July 28, 1854

WERNKE, M. E., Dec 21, 1821-Oct 9, 1888

WERTZ, Katherine G., 1923-980, wife

WESSEL, A. HenriettaPurucker, 1853-1945

WESSEL, William Frederick L., 1858-1937

WESSEL, William Robert, 1941

WESSELER, Johann David, died Nov 17, 1858, born Feb 5, 1854, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

WESSELL, Louisa, no dates recorded

WESSELL, Viola, no dates recorded

WESSELL, William C., no dates recorded

WESSLER, David E., 1896-1934

WESSLER, John H.E., 1863-1914

WESSLER, Mary J., 1865-1939

WEST, William Calvert, 1881-1946

WESTCOTT, George A., 1896-1926, husband

WESTCOTT, Joseph C., 1900-1932, brother

WESTCOTT, Marie W., 1897-1949, wife

WESTCOTT, Martha, 1863-1934, mother

WHALEY, Jamima J., 1838-1924, mother

WHEELER, Irene, 1923-1953, on Commodore Harrold stone

WHEELER, Jeffrey, 1955-1955, on Commodore Harrold stone

WHITE, Annie M., 1904-1904

WHITE, Eleanora, 1908-1910

WHITE, Emma A., 1875-1955, mother

WHITE, Emma R., 1910-1910

WHITE, Margaret A., 1902-1904

WHITE, Minnie E., 1901-1904

WHITE, William H., 1875-1945, father

WICHMANN, Hermann Dietrich, died Jan 28, 1859, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

WIEGMANN, marker only

WIEHE, Herrmann Wilhelm, died Mai 17, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

WIEHLE, Johann Christian, died Mai 9, 1859, 6 months 3 days, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

WIEHLE, Johann, no dates recorded

WIEHLE, Katharina, no dates recorded

WIEHLE, two markers with no first names, no dates recorded

WILD, Adam M., Apr 27, 1859-Sep 2, 1876

WILD, Christian, Juli 27, 1828-Juli 20, 1889

WILD, Julianna C., Dez 19, 1861-Mai 22, 1864

WILD, Magdalena, May 5, 1838-Mar 18, 1915

WILD, Nicolaus, Sep 23, 1865-Oct 16, 1866

WILD, Wilhelm C., Feb 25, 1869-Dez 29, 1869

WILL, Conrad, 1852-1933, father

WILL, Elizabeth, 1858-1913, mother

WILL, Emilie M., 1883-1958, daughter

WILLIAMS, Catherine, 1856-1930, mother, ffydddlawn hyd angau

WILLIAMS, Daniel R., 1857-1935, father, ffydddlawn hyd angau

WILLIAMSON, Prudence M., 1892-1983

WILLMAN, Ethel, 1896-1986

WILLMAN, Herman, no dates recorded

WILLMAN, Richard H., 1892-1971

WILLMANN, Georg, died Dez 25, 1840, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

WILLNER, Fred P., Jan 15,1894-Sep 4, 1965, Mechanic Co D 111th Inf, enlisted Apr 27, 1917, discharged May 14, 1919

WILLNER, John, no dates recorded

WILLNER, Katherine, no dates recorded

WILLNER, Mary C., Aug 30, 1893-July 7, 1975

WINKELMANN, Anna, 1846-1911

WINKELMANN, August H., 1887-1947

WINKELMANN, Clara L., 1891-1948

WINKELMANN, Eleanor, 1889-1965

WINKELMANN, Ellen M., 1851-1919

WINKELMANN, Frank W., 1877-1926

WINKELMANN, George H., 1879-1948

WINKELMANN, Hermann R., 1843-1927

WINKELMANN, John R., 1881-1918

WINKELMANN, Mary A., 1883-1893

WINKLER, Elisabeth, died June 25, 1857, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

WINTERSTEIN, Lina, died Oct 12, 1858, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

WISCHMEYER, Elizabeth K., 1853-1930

WISCHMEYER, Rev E. Henry, 1853-1926

WISE, James H., Sep 11, 1860-May 11, 1934, father

WISHMEYER, Ida, no dates recorded

WISSMANN, Maria E., Oct 20, 1808-Jan 3, 1861, eine gebohrneWernke

WITTOP, J., no dates recorded

WOESTEHOFF, F. Henry, 1844-1882

WOESTEHOFF, Sophia Themann, 1851-1934

WOLF, Christopher, 1858-1925, father

WOLF, Mary C., 1837-1917, mother

WOLF, Peter, 1834-1876, father

WOLF, Regina, 1818-1892

WOLF, Seraphina, 1856-1914, mother

WOLFE, George L., 1907-1961

WOLFE, George, no dates recorded

WOLFE, Helen L., 1904-1962

WONNING, Anna, 1812-1890, name on RENZELMANN monument

WUNDERLICH, Adeline K., 1898-1972, wife

WUNDERLICH, Christina, 1822-1891, mother

WUNDERLICH, John, 1822-1900, father

WUNDERLICH, Lawrence A., 1892-1981, husband

WUNDERLICH, Margaretha, 1833-1911, mother

WUNDERLICH, Wilhelm, 1831-1912, father


YEAGER, George, 1861-Feb 20, 1894

YEAGER, George, Oct 21, 1821-Dec 13, 1874, father

YEAGER, Henry, May 26, 1850-Apr 14, 1884

YEAGER, Mary, 1827-Jan 20, 1898, mother

YESCHKE, Gustave F., 1867-1930, father

YESCHKE, Minnie S., 1873-1948, mother

YOUNGLING, Catharine, 1835-1875, mother

YOUNGLING, George, 1863-1894, brother

YOUNGLING, Henry, 1835-1902, father

YOUNGLING, Wilhamina, died Mar 7, 1906

YOUNGLING, William H., died Mar 14, 1872

YUNGLING, H.H., 1804-1867

YUNGLING, Margaretha, 1803-1877


ZADACH, Albert W., Mar 15, 1908-Mar 30, 1989

ZADACH, Bertha M., 1884-1969, mother

ZADACH, Edward A., June 11, 1902-May 12, 1961, PVT 802nd Tech School SQ AAF, enlisted July 17, 1942, discharged Mar 18, 1943

ZADACH, Henry A., Sep 29, 1906-Dec 18, 1885, dad

ZADACH, Henry C., Aug 29,. 1932-June 19, 1948, junior

ZADACH, Karl M., 1867-1924, father

ZADACH, Sep 25, 1893-Nov 9, 1985

ZEHNDER, Zelda H., Sep 4, 1897-Oct 27, 1918

ZEIHER, Clarence P., 1883-1948, son

ZEIHER, Margaret G., 1861-1936, mother

ZEIHER, William, Jr., 1859-1947, father

ZELDER, John, 1868-1932, father

ZELDER, Julia, 1875-1938, mother

ZELDER, Julia, 1917-1918, daughter

ZELDER, Martin, 1907-1918, son

ZELDER, Sophia, 1900-1918, daughter

ZIMMERMAN, Elizabeth A., 1900-1938, daughter (of Charles and Amelia WALTHER)

ZITTERBART, Elizabeth Dumont, 1878-1950

???, Adam, died Juni 25, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

???, Conrad Carl, died Juli 19, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

???, Elisabetha, died Juli 20, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

???, Franz, no dates recorded

???, Gerhard, died Juni 12, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

???, Johann Heinrich, died Juli 13, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

???, Jonnie, 1872 (may be on the EBERLE lot)

???, Katherina, died Feb 9, 1841, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

???, Margaretha, died Juni 11, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

???, Margaretha, no dates recorded

???, Margarethe, died Feb 12, 1841, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

???, Susanna, died Juni 9, 1842, (unmarked / transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

???, unbaptized girl, died Jan 23, 1841, (unmarked/transcribed from Trinity Church Records)

???, Wilhelm, no dates recorded



LOTT, CATHERINE, b: c.1830, Hesse Darmstadt, Ger. d: Aug. 8, 1898 in Sharpsburg, Allegheny Co., Pa. w/o Ernest, m/o Susanna Lott NEFF, (Source: Mary Neff,

LOTT, ERNEST, b: c. 1823 Hesse Darmstadt, Ger., d: May 14, 1894, Patton Township, Allegheny Co. h/o Catherine Lott. f/o Susan Lott NEFF. (name before immigration was STEIN), (Source: Mary Neff,

Neff, Clara Henrietta Heckel, AKA McElhone, Clara, b. May 1888, Etna PA, d. 1979, Junction City, KS, w/o William Levi Neff & Ed. McElhone, d/o George Washington Heckel & Wilhelmena Koch, (Source:

Neff, Elmer George, b. Jan. 5, 1920, Etna Pa., d. Jan. 4, 2000, Allison Park PA, h/o Katherine Cudyre Neff, s/o Clara & William Neff, (Source:

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