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From the Former Parish Pastor


In a flashy and busy world ever trying to sell you a product, First Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church stands as a place of respite and solace. We won’t sugar-coat reality, nor will we try to lure you in with trendy gimmicks. We respect you as a human being and are devoted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is no small thing that Jesus, our Lord and God, came to be a man, to live a human life, to suffer at the hands of our cruel world, and to die for our sins. We rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. His victory over sin, death, and the devil is promised to be our victory also.


At First Trinity Church, we repent of and confront our sins head-on with the forgiveness that only Jesus Christ can give. Only the pure teachings of the Holy Scriptures are preached among us. God’s law can be bitter, but His love for us in Jesus Christ is sweet. We hear that love in the Gospel that is proclaimed to us and receive that Gospel in the Sacraments that are celebrated among us. We are a people that flock around the preaching of God’s Word and the celebration of Holy Baptism, Holy Absolution, and the Holy Eucharist.


We call ourselves many things. First we are Christian, the men, women, and children of God who have been saved by Jesus Christ. Likewise, we are Evangelical-Lutheran, confessing that there is only one way, truth, and life in Jesus Christ. We are catholic, proclaiming the one Gospel to all people. We are orthodox, committed to the truth in a world confused with lies. We are liturgical, devoting ourselves to the ministry of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and celebrating His presence among us in the Holy Sacraments.

We are First Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church. We invite you to come and join us. Hear what Jesus has to say to our generation and watch Him do his work among us!


– Pastor Douglas H. Spittel

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